Moonlight dance

32 2 7

Bryanna's p.o.v

I was now sitting next to Lili while drinking some lemonade. I took another sip as I glanced over my shoulder. Lili was staring at Chris dance with the rest of the guys. She sighed and yelled "WHY WON'T THAT MORON NOTICE ME?!" She was obviously drunk of course... Chris looked our way. "Did someone call my name?!" He yelled looking at us. I shook my head "No it's just your Imagination." I told him, he gave me a poker face and disappeared in the dancing crowd. "Thanks" Lili whispered, while drifting of to sleep. I nodded my head and took a hold of her, well guess I should go home now. It was a fun night. I thought to myself, leaving. Before I could I looked back at Chole, he was laughing with same girls at a different table.

Ooh Chris.

~Time skip~

I had just arrived, when I heard noises coming from Shinoah's room.. I set down Lili on our living room couch and ran to where the noise was coming from. When I opened the door, Woop! My mouth was covered by someone's hand and they were gripping on to me. "One peep, and I rape you." He let out, I just nodded not knowing what to do. Soon he let me go, I was too afraid to ask who he was. So I stayed silent. When he was done, he jumped out of a window without a single word. I was paralyzed with utter shock. "Hey Bryanna, what's for dinner?" Lili questioned while rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Er.. um... Pancakes!" I smiled, I wanted to tell her everything that had just happened but it was to risky. "Pancakes? For dinner?" Lili asked, I just nodded nervously. "YAY! LET ME AT 'EM!" She screamed with her fork in hand.

I had severed Lili some pancakes as promised, and left to my room. I took out my phone and checked my messages. 4 new messages.....

ChrisPO: Hey Bri! Where are you? You're missing the whole party! It just got interesting, shinoah just puked from drinking to much! Hehe

Sent 15 minutes ago


ColeGummyBear: Where's da bathroom?

Sent a minute ago


ShinoahRocks: I- need a docter.

7 minutes ago



0 minutes ago


I giggled to myself and replied back to each one of them. WAIT?! Where's Saito! Oh, I remember he left his phone here...

ChrisPO from BRIlliant: I'm at the house with Lili, she got drunk.. sorry XD

ColeGummyBear from BRIlliant: I don't kno! Find it yourself!

ShinoahRocks from BRIlliant: Sorry I'm not Dora. I'm the one and only, BRIIII! ;)

Replies came in quick.... quicker than expected.

ChrisPO: Dang it! I wanted to dance with yah. D.D

0 minutes ago

ColeGummyBear: I did :)

a minute ago

ShinoahRocks: Dora didn't your parents teach you not to lie? Seriously, GIVE ME YOUR DAMM MAP! I FREAKING NEED IT TO GET HOME!

A minute ago

"Idiots. All of them." I mumbled as I grabbed my book. I started reading when I lost track of time, my eyes began to close. "Crazy how it's always the butler who commits the crime huh?" A familiar voice smirked. I was about to scream when my mouth was covered once again, by the same person. It was that guy from earlier today! I bit him, but he only flinched. "Feisty are we?" He chuckled as he loosened up and let me go."W-who are y-you?" I stuttered while moving further away. "Asaki." He simply replied. He then layed down on my bed casually. His eyes were a golden shade, they were beautiful indeed. He was wearing a gray T-shirt with black jeans.

"Do you mind not staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable woman! Geez.. what a pervert." He let out while signing, I blushed at his comment. "I'm not a pervert! You're the one who crashed into my room!" I barked, he just chuckled "So? You're the one staring at me. Plus it's not like I wanna make out with you. I just came here out of curiosity." He told me while closing his eyes. I stayed silent, he was right. "Sorry." I apologized, he then turned to my side so he could stare into my eyes. "Sorry? Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong.. anyways wanna know a secret?" He asked me, I just nodded because it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

"I'm a neko, don't sweat it."

My eyes widened "What!!" I yelled, he facepalmed "Thanks for not making a big deal about it." He said sarcastically. "BRI! HONEY WE'RE HOME!" I heard Cole yell, I started to freak out. I threw Asaki in my closet without permission. "Hey!" Were his last words before he hit the wall. Soon Cole, Chris, Shinoah, and Saito walked in my room. "HEYO!" Saito greeted while slamming himself on MY bed. "Hahaha! Hello! What? Nothing! Stop harassing me!" I barked while all of them backed away. "Did you take your pills?" Shinoah asked nervously. I glared at him "I don't take pills!!" He just grinned and left, all of them did.

"Night bri."
"Night cole."
"Night shinoah."
"Night saito."
"Night chris."
"Night lili."

When I turned of my lights as I drifted off to sleep. Soon to remember I had left Asaki in my closet... "EEK ASAKI!" I cried while running to my closet and opening it's doors. He was gone.....
I turned to every corner, to see if he was still here. He was. Looking at my panties and bras. I kicked him were the sun don't shine if you know what I mean. XD


"Serves you right." I mumbled, he then glared at me. I just giggled to myself. "Wanna dance?" He asked, as casually as possible. My mouth formed an O shape. "Right now?!" He nodded and put some music on, it was a slow song. He took my hand and putt his free hand on my waist. We danced, before I knew it the world had.. stopped. It ended when I clumsily fell. I fell on him, so we both got hurt. He was on top of me now, our eyes locked together. He leaned in to kiss me I'm guessing when the door swung open. Standing there, was none other than cole......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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