News ladies vs. Bri

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It was now midnight, as the boy dashed across the darkness still caring me. "U-um may I know your name?" I asked holding on to him. He chuckled and smirked "Do you not trust me?" My eyes widened, how was I suppose to 'trust' this guy after he basically kidnapped me?! "To be honest, no." I told him, he gave me a poker face......

"I don't blame you. Believe it or not, I know a lot about you. Don't take it in a stalkerish way. But I do know that you stare through your window everyday waiting for someone to rescue you, your parents are addicted to drugs but so are mine.....You are an only child, what else? Oh! You're lonely. And yeah some other things, but those were the basic ones. I wanted to take you with me to explore the world. What's out there, you know?" He said looking up at the stars as he stopped in his footsteps. I felt my cheeks warm up, as I touched them. What is this feeling? I don't even know his freakin name!

"Cole. Cole Nisekell." Cole whispered in my ear, he then started running away. More like running in circles like a mental person. "O-oh...... Nice name." I mumbled, kicking some dirt from the ground, getting ready to chase him. I then started catching up to him when he pushed me, making me loose my balance. "AAHH!" I laughed. I fell on my but, not remembering when I have ever had such a great time. This was a new beginning. A turn of events....... for the good.

"Why are you smiling dufus?" He asked tilting his head in confusion. I suddenly realized I was smiling! Worse yet, like an idiot. I sighed "Leave me alone! Since you know so much about me, tell me some stuff about you. Please?" I pleaded, his expression changed completely "I prefer not to." Cole hissed coldly. I looked away, he didn't trust me? Of course not, why would he?

An hour passed as we were laying down on the grass, listening to the grasshopper's tune. "Listen," the boy started. "if I tell you the reason why I ran away, or my past...... you won't like it. Are you sure you wanna know the truth?" Cole asked with his arms folded across his chest. I smiled widely "YES! I WANT TO KNOW EVER-SINGLE-THING-AND-DETAIL-ABOUT-YOU!" I screamed almost like a serial killer. Ooops.. hope he doesn't change his mind.

"Okay. I come from a family of well.... murderers. Every single one of them is abusive and addicted to drugs and alcohol. When little, I was challenged with harsh training. They wanted me to follow their footsteps, but I refused. Dad killed my little sister when she was 3 because he was drunk. My older brother hanged himself and so did grandpa. They couldn't take the pressure anymore.... I ran away with luck, killing mom and leaving dad permanently blind. My younger brother, Ashton is out to kill me, though I doubt he can. So yeah.... the story of my life."

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock, wow his life Is horible! Tears slid down my face as I embraced him with a warm hug. "There, there. It'll be okay." I told him patting the back of his head. He seemed to be shocked to even take in what was happening. Eventually he hugged back "Thanks but it's not that bad, I actually hate my parents and want to turn them in to the authorities. I'm sure they're worth a lot of cards!" Cole said with a cheeky smile across his beautiful face. Was he really willing to turn in his dangerous family for a couple of cards?

"Lili should meet us here any minute now.." Cole murdered while scratching the back of his head. "Lili?" I questioned, taping my right foot waiting for an answer. He nodded "Yeah, she's an old friend, her and the others will be coming soon." I just smiled "Ok" A couple of minutes passed before I heard an unknown voice "Cole! We're here we made it!" I turned around to find a really pretty girl with dark brown hair hanged up into a ponytail, her eyes were blue like the ocean. She was smiling in a girly manner at Cole. She then focused her attention on me, the brunette glared at me."who's she?" She asked raising an eyebrow, others followed her it was three of them, all boys. Yay, more people -.-

"Oi, Cole you didn't tell us you were with a pretty girl." One of the guys complemented, he then took my arm and swung me around like we were dancing. To be honest, he was an amazing dancer. I giggled and slightly blushed since our eyes met, he had beautiful green orbs. Right now he was smirking and unexpectedly kissed my hand. "Shinoah. At your service." Shin greeted. "Bryanna Tsutsui." I told him while giving him a kiss on the cheek. Everyone's mouth opened into an O shape, what? At home this was the proper way to greet someone.

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