Chapter 2- Phil Coulson Meeting Sally Jackson

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How Phil Coulson meet Sally Jackson was more out of curiosity than seeing if she was a threat. Fury had told him to check into her and see if the assassins were in any dangers.

As far as he could tell she wasn't a threat at all, if anything could be more alley. She worked in the military as an interrogator, rather good at it too, and also as a medic if she was needed.

She met her husband Poseidon Jackson there but he died in action. Sally Jackson now works in a candy store even if she doesn't have to, she also works volunteer at a local hospital and is a part-time author for best selling books in New York.

She never once got a ticket or even a speeding ticket. Only reason you can look her up was because of her military background.

Overall she was a standing citizen and had nothing to hide, of course if he wasn't part of SHIELD that's what he would think. Everyone hides something.

Of course Clint and Natasha disagreed saying that she was actually a good citizen, understood not asking where they went to, she only knew they were in the military and were assassins.

But that never stopped her from being friends with them. Nope, instead she welcomed them into her home with open arms.

So when Phil met her he was surprising happy that he was wrong on his conclusion that everyone had something to hid. She was literally the most forward and honest person there could be. Of course she didn't always talk about certain things and she lied about small stuff like but to them that was nothing.

They lied for living.

Phil was actually really happy that the assassins had a friend even if it was uncanny, they met her while they were on a mission!

But the thing that really persuaded him was that she actually was pregnant, he saw her belly, well Natasha did anyway, while she was getting another ultrasound.

Now how he actually met her was a story, Natasha and Clint were over at her place helping her set up her small nursery.

Phil knocked on the front door hearing some laughs coming from inside that made his lips twitch into a smile before falling back into a small mask.

Sally was the one who opened the door and she was instantly alert and she seemed to have tightened her grip of her hand that was on the door as he other hand was somewhere on the other side of the door where Phil suspected a gun was.

"Phil Coulson, SHIELD." He said showing her his badge.

She earned some points in his book for not even bothering to look at his badge and kept slightly tense under the watchful eyes but to a normal person or rooky she was calm, "And you're here because?" She asked.

Her eyes and stance were tense as if she didn't believe him at all and he was thoroughly impressed by her, not only that but Clint seemed to have told the truth when he said she was slightly pregnant.

There was a small bump in her stomach but it wasn't noticeable yet so she didn't have to wear baggy clothing.

"Clint? Natasha?" Phil asked saying their names slightly louder and watched as Sally's hand tighten as if she was debating but she untensed as Clint told her it was ok to let Phil in.

sally nodded and opened the door wider saying, "Never be too careful." with a shrug and went to the room where a unmade baby crib was and a rocking chair that wasn't even opened yet with other baby stuff.

"Finally, "Natasha let out a sigh, "please do tell this buffoon to actually read the instructions instead of just 'winging it'."

Sally let out a laugh as the two assassins started to bicker and Phil actually started to relax himself and smile as she watched Natasha hit Clint and Sally breaking them up before a fight was ensured.

Thankfully, they actually listened to her so he didn't have to try to break them. Usually when they fight they don't listen to anyone trying to stop them.

Sally got everyone a cup of coffee with different amount of cream and sugar and she somehow knew he liked a small amount of cream and sugar where she pointed out that Clint told her.

Clint just smiled innocently as Phil looked at him with a raised eyebrow. But was even more amazing was the actual coffee itself, it was probably the best and rejuvenated cup of coffee he ever had and definitely better than SHIELDS so called coffee.

At his amazed look Natasha told Phil, "She makes it by hand most of the time and saves it to be heated later." she pointed to a blushing Sally who tried to hide her embarrassed smile behind her coffee as she took a sip.

Sally pointed out to Natasha, "I don't like crappy coffee especially when I have writer's block or working late at the hospital." she pointed out.

"For whatever's the reason I just love the damn coffee." Clint said taking a long sip then smacking his lips with a satisfied sigh.

Natasha rolled her eyes at her partner but didn't say anything as they quietly but comfortable silence that was wrapped around them.

Phil, after putting the crib and rocking chair together, later told the assassins that they better say goodbye as they had another mission, the briefing was tomorrow.

The assassins were going to Budapest.  

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