Had I stayed he would have gotten me with his words because I was already having mixed feelings. I needed to think with a clear head away from him.

The doctor's visit went well. Besides Dr. Jones telling me to watch my stress levels everything was fine. He gave us new pictures of the baby and that perked August up a little.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"I'm starving actually." He smirked. "Can we go to iHop?"

"Yeah we can do that."

He made the necessary turns to get to iHop while we rode in silence. I knew he was holding back whatever he wanted to say because I asked for space. I'm glad he respected that but I guess over breakfast we can finally talk about this whole thing without me being as upset as I was. I may have seemed calm but in the inside I was beating the absolute fuck out of him.

Once we were seated we both looked over the menu. Our waitress took our drink and food order at the same time. August must have not eaten in the last 2 days because he ordered a hell of a lot of food. I felt bad for my baby so I guess now was a good time as any to talk while we waited on the food.

"I'm sorry Tammy." He spoke up first taking me by a little surprise. "My intention was never to hurt you in anyway. I really was just trying to help the girl. I wasn't thinking about the wrong in it or how it would affect you when you found out and for that I apologize. I apologize for kissing her back but I swear on everything I love that it meant nothing. I really sorry baby. I love you and you know I would never intentionally hurt you."

He looked me in my eyes as he spoke making sure I knew he was sincere. I knew he meant it when he said he was sorry and I couldn't be upset at that.

"I accept your apology August." I paused and took a sip from my water that the waitress brought back while August was talking. "Have you spoken to her since then?"

He nodded. "Only to tell her that I can't be her crutch. That's not my job or responsibility. I don't care for her in that way."

"So why did you do it in the first place?" I didn't want to seem cold hearted but I needed to know.

"She has a way of making me feel bad about different shit. I know that abortion wasn't my fault but it was still my kid as far as I know so it hits a soft spot. I can't help that." I nodded understanding.

I can't fault him for that. I listened to her throw that in his face when she came over. It was wrong of her and she needs to deal with her own demons and stop trying to throw them on other people especially August. Emotionally fucked up of not I'll beat her ass or anyone's ass over him.

I didn't want him around her like that but she must really have some issues if she's threatened to kill herself and I don't need August feeling guilty if anything happens to that girl.

I sighed at myself at what I'm about to do. "Do you think if we got her some actual help that she would actually go through with it?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I tried that years ago but she left the place. The only way it would be impossible for her to go is if she gets committed by actual doctors."

I shook my head. "Well let's get her some real help. But only if you think it's worth it."

The waitress came with our food placing it all on the table. I looked at mine and then at August's knowing I was going to eat some of that too.

"I don't know. You can't really help someone who doesn't want help. I feel like she just wanted my attention and I mistakingly gave it to her making her think it was something it wasn't. I'll wait for her to want help."

Accidental Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now