Chapter 20

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A/N I forgot to mention something important. When Jay told Sam that Anna was moving, it was Anna's moving day! So, that's pretty important. Keep that in mind!

Haha, almost forgot!

Anna's POV

I quickly shut the last suitcase closed, having to sit on it. Elsa was waiting outside in her car.

"Anna!" She yelled. I grabbed my two leftover suitcases and they trailed behind me.

"Coming!" I yelled, picking up the suitcases as I stuffed them in the trunk. We didn't have any furniture, because the condo came with it, so all we had were our clothes. 

Nobody had bought the condo yet, either. We gave it to a family in Europe who wanted a summer home in Japan.

I quickly sat down in the car, pulling the seatbelt over me as Elsa closed my door for me. She got in and started the engine.

"You ready?" She asked uncertainly. I nodded, biting my lip from the inside. As she drove the car, I turned to see the car rush past my house.

I laid my head against the seat, bored. I pulled my phone out, and immediately I got a text.

Jay: where are you?

Anna: hi to you as well.

Jay: I'm serious.

Anna: five minutes away from the airport.

Jay: k, bye.

I blinked before putting my phone away.

Ok... I thought. I had said good bye to Jay over the phone, I didn't have time to see him because he had to go to school. I sat down, thinking about, believe it or not, Sam.

If it had worked out, I probably would've told Elsa no. She would have been able to stay, and we would be happy.


It didn't, and it's not like Sam was going to frantically start looking for me.

3rd POV

Sam looked frantically for Anna. A/N Yes, I did just do that. XD He checked her condo.


He went to Mr. Carl's corner store.

No Anna.

He even went to Jay's house.

Nope. Nada.

Jay and Taurtis had been helping him, when Taurtis spoke up.

"Why don't we just have Jay text Anna?" Sam nearly facepalmed. A/N I know Sam is probably face palming now. The girl who's my cousin. Not the actual Samgladiator... While if I found out he read this, I would freak out.

"Jay, text Anna!" Sam said.

Two minutes later, Jay ran west.

"She's on her way to the airport

Soon enough, they got to the street about two minutes from the airport. Jay spotted the icy blue car on I its way down a small, not busy street. Sam did what his gut told him and ran out in front of the car, bracing himself.

Anna's POV

Elsa and I were talking when I looked up and saw a person run out in front of the car.

"ELSA!" I yelled. She gasped and hit the brake, causing the car to jump forward. A screeching noise was heard. I quickly got out and opened the door. Whoever it was thankfully wasn't hurt.

"Sam?!" I asked. He opened his eyes. 

"Oh, good. I survived." Sam sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"Sam what are you doing here?" I asked. He bit his lip.

"Um... Look, I know you might be mad at me for ditching you in the rain, but, I just needed to talk to you." I nodded, looking back at Elsa. She smiled and parked the car on the side. We crossed the street and started to talk on the corner.

"So... I found out Hans hit on you that day, and that it was against your will... Sorry?" He said. I smirked, shaking my head.

"It's fine, Sam." I said. He looked me in the eye.

"Listen, Anna, I like you. A lot." He said. I felt my cheeks turn red, and this time, I let them.

"Well... That's unfortunate timing." I said, realizing our flight left in three hours.

"So now that you're leaving, thought I should tell you before you get to America." He said, looking down and walking away. I bit my lip.

I finally found what might be love... Was I really about to let it slip away?

"No." I said. Sam turned and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" I smiled.

"Hold on just one second." I asked, skipping to Elsa. I knocked on the window. She rolled it down with a grin.

"We're staying?" She asked. I nodded.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Now, let's call the airport, the rich family, and tell them no." I said. She squealed and rolled the window back up again. I skipped back to Sam.

"So, Sam... Change of plans. I'm staying." I said. He lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really?" He asked, overwhelmed. I nodded. He grinned.

"Yes!" He whispered to himself. I cleared my throat.

"So, Sam... There's going to be a showing for that Shrek movie... Wanna go with me?" I asked. He looked startled.

"Oh, uh..." He cleared his throat. "Shouldn't I be asking you? Let's start again. Anna, will you go on a date with me?" He asked. I blushed so much, it was weird he didn't notice.

"Of course." I said. I turned, but before I left, I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for getting me to stay." I whispered. I let go, kissing his cheek before I got in the car. 

"Let's go home." I said. Elsa nodded, turning on the car and driving away.

We were about to make lots of calls...

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