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The small compacted room where all the Quentin Tarantino movies were showing, was an odd yellow with black and white stripes. Clearly signifying one of the directors most notable movies, Kill Bill series.

This was one of Amar's favorite rooms. For one, the really comfortable seats always offered an amazing spot to nap and two the owner, Mr. Ferric, always kept beers hidden behind the screen for his "special" guest.

Which was unfortunately a bunch of drunk 40 year olds complaining about their wives.

Leading Jasmine into the theater was awkward yet pleasurable for him.

The ongoing war in his head, on whether or not he should speak was making him sweat, producing clammy hands. But the amazing view of her backside was going to give him sweet dreams as soon as he returns home.

The lilac crop top she was wearing looked amazing against her skin color. Which looked so smooth. Like a porcelain doll, she was made into expensive perfection.

He lead her into the room, while he went upstairs to put the movie on.

He checked several times to make sure he got the right one, remembering Pulp fiction and The Breakfast Club often got mixed up since there was no recognizable labels.

When he was sure it was the right movie, he smoothed his hair, and smelled his breath and armpits, which he couldn't even remember if he put some deodorant on this morning. He also popped three mints in his mouth just to be safe. This much preparation was rare for Amar, he never got this self-conscious, especially over a girl.

He basically ran down the steps, but tripped down the last one landing straight on his funny bone. The awkward and painful tingles shot up his arms, made it more uncomfortable then painful.


"Watch your mouth, Amar" The light giggle from the beauty made Amar curse under his breath.


"What did I just say" Her laughs got more louder, which made Amar more nervous. Jasmine leaned over to try to help him up, but ended up falling on top of him.

Amar was completely shocked, but silently he was thanking the gods of cliches for this moment. Although, her curly hair was all in Amar's mouth and her head was in the crease of his armpit.

Getting up they both stumbled a bunch of "sorry's",which made the awkward silent return. This was the only time that Amar's found Silence unpleasing. And it worried him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"So your telling me, that you have never seen Django"

After the movie was over they just sat, in those really comfortable chairs and talked about anything. Amar had his hand on her's and lightly stroking it with his thumb. Just admiring the way she talked with so much passion about such a trivial subject as movies.

He couldn't help but smile at the beautiful girl's expressions.

"That's what I said for the 15th time"

"Sorry, I just can't believe you haven't seen it"

Jasmine kept pushing her curls out of her face. And each time she did, she had a determined and annoyed look on her face.

"Eres hermosa"

"Thank you, you too"

Amar was shocked, he wanted it to be secret, that in due time he could say it aloud, where she could understand it. But her knowing what he said, fucked that up.

"Do you speak Spanish"

", aprendí cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria."

"That's awesome"

Even though she had dark skin, you could still see that pink tint in her cheeks. And for some reason, Amar's heart fluttered escaping out of his body and into the air.

Even at 1:00 in the morning, when they both went home and exchanged numbers. His heart still didn't return to him and he realised that the beautiful girl somehow captured his heart and didn't plan on giving it back anytime soon.

Yay, we need a ship name. jamar or Asmine or Jasmar. I don't know but comment if you have an awesome one and next chap, it will be official.



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