Chapter 2

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I run off to pack everything. I then see all my stuff has been taken so I just leave a note at my old table saying,

To those who find this,

I came back but found annabitch and some new guy doing that on the one beach that I can find peace. My stuff is missing, taken and now I no long feel wanted because of the looks I got. I am never returning. Good by and have fun beating the enemy without me.

Percy Jackson

Now I run out of the came not looking back. A guy in blue and white assassin like clothes comes and says,"I'm Eric. Head of the New York brotherhood. Will you like to join us?" I have nothing to lose so I say,"yes." And together we run off into the woods.


Eric pov

I have been watching this kid for years and he would make an excellent assassin. "What's your name?" I ask. "My name, new name, is Chaotic." I nod knowingly. I know how hard it can be when you have just been betrayed by everyone. We are 241 miles from that camp when a galaxy color flash appears and fades to show a man with outer space colored hair(yes it is a color. I have the crayon for it.), Milky Way eyes, light tan/pale skin, and he says, his voice all knowing and wise with some fun in it,"It's ironic really. How you could chose any name but you picked Chaotic. I'm Chaos and you, Percy Jackson, are not posideon's child anyway. You are my long lost son. Your real name is Chaotic. Chaotic Echo. That's your name, real name. I'm sorry but I thought you had a good life here until today Chaotic. So please, let me give you your powers and memories back." Chaotic nods and I remember being told that Echo is the universe's most feared assassin. But I never feared him. I looked up to him. Chaotic grunts as Chaos throws a black ball at him. Then right after, a lighter black ball at him. Another dark colored flash and Chaotic has void black hair, his eyes look like they have Suns in them that are floating in a sea, his skin is pale. His clothes changed too. His shirt is black along with his pants and he also has black work boots with a black cloak and full on equipped. All weapons are forged out of some sort of black metal. I say, my voice small," so your Echo?" Chaotic nods. I smile and say,"everyone in my brotherhood is afraid of you but I look up to you. Your like the idol I never saw until now." Chaotic laughs, his voice now booming with strength and power but also commanding as well. A pure black something appears and something unseen comes out. The pure black thing disappears and someone taps my shoulder. On impulse, I stab them but the blade just goes through them. A laugh comes from the dark. Echo says,"come on out Dark Angel." The darkness moves and a shimmer appears as my whole blade disappears. Soon after that a person appears in the middle in all black. They throw off their cloak and a girl is there. The cloak disappears and its lighter here now somehow. She has on a long sleeve black shirt with black pants and black combat boots. She has no weapons but I feel insecure around her. Her hair is pure black and down to her mid back. Her midnight blue eyes shine in the night. All you can really see is her pale skin standing out against the dark colors of night. I ask, my voice trembling,"who are you?" She smiles gently and says, her voice as clear and kind as the cloudy day from the sun,"Ellmra Sogota."

The lost, the forgotten, the betrayed. Assassin of the water.Where stories live. Discover now