Chapter One

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The loud thuds of large footsteps and cries of pain rang through the air. A young girl, no older then five, sitting on her knees with a dazed look in her eyes.

"....My arm hurts..." The girl slurred. "Big...Brother will... Fix me.."

The girl wobbly got up from her knees and began to slowly walk down the blood splattered road. Her body swayed from side to side as blood dripped from her arm.

She passed houses reduced to nothing but rubble, people who once laughed and smile turned into nameless corpses, the vibrant life turn to dull and bloody messes.

Not to far from where she was, she had come across a body of a young male, no older then twenty. The boy had an empty vacant stare in his eyes. His legs had been crushed my debris, causing him bleed out till he passed.


"Why ... Are you ... Sleeping..?"

"There's ....  blood ... on .. My arm.."

"It .... Hurts..."

A large Titan, about twelve meters large, seemed to appear out of nowhere. It's giant hand reached down, picking the young male up from the cold ground, removing the debris off of him.

"No... Don..t hurt .. Big brother.."

" He... Needs to ... fix my...... Owie"

It didn't listen to the young child's slurred words. The Titan raised the male up to its mouth, opening it slowly.

"I said... Don't hurt.. Big brother,"

The child's voice was raising, getting frustrated at the Titan. The thing didn't even glance at the child as it brought the boy to its mouth.

"You.. Didn't... LISTEN!" The child shouted

"Bad people.. are punished. You.. Didn't listen!"

Then, to the surprise of nearby soldiers, a flash of lighting struck through the sky.

A Titan, thirteen meters tall, materialized out of nothing, standing tall. It let out a terrifying high-pitch screech into the air, getting the attention of almost everything and everyone around.

The Titan's body was slender with a bit of chub on the belly. It's limbs didn't have any skin, exposing the flesh, and it had brown hair just above the shoulder blades. The face, however, didn't resembled the young child within. It had a soft jaw with a wide mouth, large, slanted, grey eyes, and smaller nose.

The giant's eyes glared at the Titan that stood just a little shorter then itself. Close by, soldiers watched with shock and interest. They didn't know what to expect. The Titan kicked its right leg at the knee of the shorter one. The twelve meter titan fell on its back, making a loud thud and cause a burst of dust and debris. Then, taking both hands and putting them together, it swung the fist down onto its face repeatedly smashing it with powerful blows.

All of what was left was a bloody mush of the head and neck. Steam soon started to pour off the now dead titan body.

Another scream ripped through the air from the victorious Titan. It's cloudy eyes looked over the landscape. Another large titan caught its eye. It seemed to be carrying a grand bolder on its shoulders towards the hole in the tall wall.

Despite being a titan, it felt the want to help.

The 13 meter then screamed loudly, causing numerous windows to shatter. The screech was so loud, everybody in the city seemed to stop just look at it. Any and all mindless titans immediately started to make their way towards it, some even starting to run.

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