Chapter 1: The Glares

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It was 7:30 in the morning and I had just arrived school. And of course my two best friends, Isabella and Justine, were already there waiting for me, as usual. I waved to my mom as she began to drove away. As I entered Anston High School, my friends begin to squeal with the excitement of what had happened last weekend. "Oh, my gosh Willow! Wasn't the party at Ryan's house soooo fun?!" Squealed Isabella. "Yeah, I had a blast!" Exclaimed Justine. But I honestly did not remembered half the party. All I remembered is that when I got home my mom went ballistic on me! So of course, I was grounded.

But clearly none of my friends payed any attention to me. "So are we going to the mall after school?" Asked Justine. I groaned as I reached my locker because once more I had to explain to them the reason why I couldn't go shopping. "I'm grounded, remember?" Justine frowned. "Aw, c'mon Willow..." I opened my locker and put my books inside realizing a feeling that someone was staring at me. As I closed my locker, I turned around noticing a group of the "cool" guys glaring at me.

"What's up with the glares?" I said with a bit of an amusing tone. "Willow, do you not remember?" Isabella asked surprised. I shook my head. "You were dancing so close to the speakers that you accidentally knocked it down. And, uh, broke it. Which ended the party early."

Ha, sounds like me! But how stupid, I thought. All this fuss because of a stupid speaker.
I became annoyed by how just in a matter of minutes people began to talk about how clumsy I am. And how it's so "unlike" me. But do they really know?

I rolled my eyes and begin to walk away to my class as I heard the school bell rang. A boy name Jack Kelly had bumped into me, which made me drop my books. I heard someone shout she's such a klutz. And I can hear Jack repeating that he's sorry and began to pick up my books. I don't know what has gone over me, it's already Senior year and all of a sudden I'm not capable of picking up my own freaking books? "Uh, I think I'm capable of picking up my own books, thanks." I said with an annoyed tone as Jack hands me my books. I honestly hate to be mean, but seriously today is not my day.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

I woke up late to school today. Not realizing today was Monday. I walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen seeing my mom reading her bills. Doesn't she work on Sunday's? I thought. Then my mother gasped at the sight of me. "Blaine! What are you doing here?! Why aren't you at school?" With a confused look on my face I looked at my watch. It was 10:00 in the morning! "Wait, today is not Sunday?!" My mom shook her head. "Aw, man!" I shouted as I raced back into my room and got dressed as fast as I could. I looked at my watch, 10:30. With a toothbrush in my mouth, my backpack on my back, one shoe on, and the other in my hand I headed to the front door. "Bye Mom! I love you!" I opened and closed the door. And I was off to school.

Dang, I'm really late to school..
There was so much traffic on the freeway. It took me a whole hour to get here which usually only takes me 30 minutes. It was already 11:30, the beginning of my third period. Astrology, my favorite class. Today won't be that bad.

I run to the wing of my classroom as I heard the bell ring that class has already started. I ran into my classroom accidentally slamming the door behind me. "Late again, Mr. Holbrook?" Mrs. Perkins raised an eyebrow. Okay, I love this class, but hate the teacher..

I take off my glasses as I sit down on my assigned seat. I cleaned my glasses and as I put them back on people were glaring at me. Which was completely normal, they're just jealous of my good looks. Haha, just kidding.

Lunch Time!
I was sitting on the table I usually sit in. Some people call it the nerd table, but I call it the 'smart ass' table. And finally, my friend Jack came to my table with our lunch. "Hey, Jack. Thanks for the lunch." I grinned as Jack sat down.

As I took a bite down on my cheeseburger, I almost choked as I hear the queen bee shouting at Ryan. I looked over at their table. I can see Willow is annoyed as usual,"Jeez, is she like on her period or something?" Jack shakes his head and says with his mouth fool,"She's been like that since this morning. People started talking about how she killed Ryan's party and I guess she was too drunk to remember. So she got pissed. I even ran into her this morning. I almost died." Jack laughed.

People were still glaring at her. Jeez, what's everyone's problem with her? I thought. I never had a class with her. Never talked to her. Or even had the opportunity to bump into her. So I can't really judge her.. I bet she's nothing like what people say. I wonder what she's really like. I'm sure she's not herself when people are glaring at her...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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