That night I told my parents about the news and they were thrilled. " Hey, look I have to go find something to where to Devin's party tonight" " He said he would pick me up at 5:00, so I only have one hour"
" Alright, go do your thing" said my father who eventually decided to settle on the recliner and watch another round of football and beer"
I ran down the hall to my room and just decided to wear tight skinny jeans and a white blouse with short heeled boots that were my favorite shoe wear. I ran into the bathroom to straighten my hair and apply some makeup. This time, I put on red lipstick which looked amazing with my outfit. Before I knew it, there was a knock on our front door. " I'll get it" .
I ran to the door and swung it open. Devin was standing there in sexy jeans, a button up shirt, and sneakers. I smiled when I finally got to his face. " Ready" he said." Yes" I replied. We headed to his truck with his hand in mine. I was kinda taller than him with the heeled boots on. He guided me to the passenger side where he opened the door for me. I climbed into the truck and he shut the door. We drove off into the night, headed to what I thought would be a dream house.
When we arrived, there were people standing in his driveway blocking the way. " Whoa, the whole school is here" I said. " Yeah and they are blocking my driveway" he said beeping his horn making everybody scatter everywhere in the yard. Finally we made it into the driveway and he opened my door and everybody's eyes were on us. " Their all staring" I whispered into the night. " Ignore them" he said walking to his porch and shoving the key into the lock swinging the doors wide open. Suddenly everybody made a rush to his house almost knocking me and him down. " Okay, people relax!!" Devin said.
His house was like a dream house. " Where are your parents?" I asked. " There in Georgia with an important client" he said " They are both real estate agents"
"Look, it is really loud, lets go to my room" he said leading up a giant staircase and down a narrow hallway. He opened the door to what looked like the master bedroom of my parents room. " Wow" was all I could say. " Look, I don't want you to think that I might not like you because your family doesn't have money like mine" he said " Oh, your not that kind of boy Devin" I said sitting on the bed beside him. " What made you do that little incident at school anyways" I said. He turned to me and said " Do you remember when you said that it why I didn't ask you out and I said that I didn't want to ruin my popularity" "Yes" I said looking at him weird. " Well, when I thought about it, it made me realize that popularity doesn't make the way a person is and I deserved you and you deserved better" he finished looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. " I like you Nicole, and Stacy can go screw herself for all I care"

" I have never met a boy like you before Devin" I said " And I never thought that you would be the person to make that kind of attempt and it really surprised me actually" I said avoiding his eyes
" Hey, he said making me look into his eyes " People have their secrets"
" For real though" I said laughing " Let's go downstairs where the party is" " I mean that's why I'm here right" I said tilting my head and giving him a grin. He leaned over and planted his lips on mine and said " Your right, let's go".
I followed him down the stairs and was greeted by drunks and sobers. " You want a beer?" asked Devin over the loud music. " Sure" I yelled back. In the kitchen, were like fifteen cases of twenty-four packs of beer. Seven were already empty. Devin tossed me a can of beer and slid open a door that led to a patio. Outside in the backyard was a gigantic pool and tent where you could barbecue and roast hotdogs or smores. He walked over to the pool and slipped off his shoes and sat on the ledge of the pool with his feet in the water. I repeated the same thing he did and sat beside him on the ledge. He started playfully splashing me with his feet. " Stop!" I said giggling. " This is one of my good outfits"

" That outfit looks sexy on you" he said making me blush. " But to bad it's going to be ruined" and he pushed me into the pool sending me flying underwater. I swam my way back to the top to see Devin laughing uncontrollably. " You are so going to regret this" I said pretending to be angry. From under the water, I slid my hand to where it met his foot. I yanked on his foot sending him flying into the water. He swam around underwater for a few seconds to where he finally he made it to the top. " I am crazy about you, you know" he said forcing his lips hard on mine. My hair was now curly once again and my clothes were soaking wet, but I didn't care as we both slid underwater still kissing. When we emerged, our minds were blown. Stacy was standing right in front of us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Devin furiously
" Well, you did say that everybody was welcome" Stacy said
" Yeah, but that didn't include you"
" I want you back Devin, please baby"
" Yeah, well that's never going to happen"
" So your going to stick with Nicole" she said snickering
" Yes, I am" said Devin climbing out of the pool and stood right in front of her
" And nothing is gonna change that"
" Nicole has never even slept with anybody nor kissed any other boy" she said
" Yeah, and that doesn't make her a whore like you" Devin replied
" Excuse me, I never cheated on you" said Stacy
" Oh, bullshit!!" said Devin " Your a fucking liar, you know that Stacy, I caught you having sex with Matthew at the secret hideout, so don't play your games now"
" That was one time Devin"
" Right, like I've never caught you more than once" " Your a whore Stacy and you will never get me back whatsoever because I'm in love with Nicole now and you need to get that in your head and stop being so jealous"
" You think i'm jealous of that bitch!!, Ha Ha, get real Devin!" said Stacy, " Nicole is just going to play you Devin just like every other girl you have ever had"
" Nicole is different unlike you" said Devin giving her mean looks
" Well, Nicole get used to good life now because when he gets tired of you, he'll just move onto another girl just like he always does" " And if you ever come near me or get in my path, I will kill you" she said spitting at me
" Get your skanky ass off my property" said Devin moving out of the way so she could move
" Enjoy the time while you can Nicole" said Stacy as she disappeared around a corner.

"Let's go inside and dry off" said Devin helping me out of the pool. I followed him into the house and he led me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He walked into the bathroom and came out with two dark blue towels. He handed me one and I asked him what I was supposed to wear. He left the room and ran down the hall and came back with a nice long dress
" Here put this on, it's my mom's , she won't care" he said. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I turned the shower on hot and climbed in. His shower felt like I was taking a shower in the president's bathroom. I looked around at all the high dollar hair and body products and grabbed one that looked like it was meant for females. After I was showered and dressed, I walked out of the bathroom and saw Devin with his hair dripping down his chest and towel wrapped around his lower body. He looked so damn sexy and I just couldn't stop looking. He started snickering when he saw me looking at him and it made me blush.
" I can leave so you can get dressed if you want" I said to him as he looked me up and down " No stay, it's OK" he said. I stayed and watched him apply deodorant and fix his hair up a bit. He walked over to me where I sitting at the edge of his bed. He still had the towel wrapped around him, so I didn't know what was going on in his mind. He grabbed my face and pulled towards him and put his lips against mine. His lips were so soft. He pushed further up onto the bed and hovered above me. He started at the nape of my neck and started to gently suck on it. It felt so damn good. He reached under the dress and my heart started pounding because I wasn't wearing panties or a bra. He reached his hands up and started squeezing my breasts. I spread my legs and he got between me and started kissing me passionately once again.
" Do you what to do this" asked Devin " Yes" I said breathing heavily. He climbed off of me and walked over to lock the door. Next thing I knew, he was reaching into a drawer and stood up with a condom in his hand. My heart really started pounding because this was going to be my first time and Devin already had experience. He climbed over me once again and I felt him yank the towel off of him. Suddenly he started to raise the dress over my head. I helped him pull the dress off and then we started kissing rough. He stopped kissing me long enough for him to slide the condom on. " Ready" he said. I nodded and he slid into me. It hurt at first but it was the most amazing sensation ever. He started to move above me and held onto his back my fingers digging into him. He was thrusting into me really hard now gaining a moan from me. " I love you Nicole and nothing will ever change that" he said capturing my lips onto his again. I stared into oblivion thinking thank you god.

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