Everytime he moved he felt the damn plug move inside of him, it made him pull a face at first and really stepping into the shower made the plug tug at his rim, moaning more and louder. By the time that Louis got out of the shower, dried and changed into the outfit that Liam left out for him, Louis felt as if he was in hell.

Liam had put a fûcking Chastity cage on him

Louis wanted to cry or scream or both

"Look so delicious in that little skirt of yours."Liam smirks, kissing behind Louis' earlobe and patting the boys bum teasingly. He picked out the outfit especially so that you wouldn't see the outline of the Chastity cage and plus it was easy access to Louis' bum and Dick if need be. It was a black skirt with black thin tights, a long sleeved blouse tucked into the skirt along with above the ankle lace up boots with a little wedge on them.

"This is torture,"The boy looks over his shoulder at Liam who just rolls his eyes and grabs a piece of toast from the counter. There's a white packet being handed to Louis and the buy groans and takes the medication like usual. Yeah, he's use to it but it was fucking annoying having to take it every morning and every noon.

"Naughty boys don't exactly get any treats princess."Liam tuts and is already leading Louis out the door before he even has time to take his second pill of the morning. Louis is about to process but Liam already has him out and is talking on his ear piece to someone. The Doncaster lad didn't even know that he had one in, and he kind of felt isolated throughout the whole drive that Liam was too busy talking through the earpiece than to interact with him.

If Louis gets scowled at for texting on his phone constantly then Liam should get scowled at for being so antisocial

Louis huffs and puffs throughout the car ride, he honestly has no clue where he is going or heading or how long this journey is going to take. He is pretty sure he has only been in the car for a short 20 minutes but it feels like an hour with the constant shuffling that he had to do due to the plug inside of him and the awkward quietness of the car. The only sound is Liam talking into the earpiece to god knows who and the sound of him sipping at his coffee.

He has grown use to the variety of cars and surroundings that he has been in, Liam has been monitoring Louis' discomfort in some areas of the house and in some cars and he has made sure to use the same cars over again so not to freak Louis out or Make him uncomfortable. He hasn't been out all that often, yeah to the mall which he was wary about and some restaurants that he knew and had been In before which meant He hasn't felt anxious or panicked in awhile.

"No, I don't care if his wife is in labour,"Liam growls not the earpiece, turning a corner."If he can't get me the money by Tomorrow--So what if he has church to go to, he shouldn't have made a deal with me if he wasn't willing to pay the fucking price!"He snaps making Louis jump in his seat and to look forward as Liam drives and talks. It was a completely different voice that Louis has ever heard and it scares him a little.

Louis' hands twitch and before he realises, he is pressing the button to start up the radio at a low volume. He needs some kind of music to keep him calm as he watches cars and buildings go by. They are in the city, some part of the city that Louis has never been before and his anxiety is seeking through. Liams eyes dart to Look at Louis and then the radio, saying nothing as he continues to talk.

"Do not talk to anyone unless I say it's okay, got it? I'm only going to be here for a short 2 hours for an important shipment meeting. You'll most likely be sitting in the same room as another one of my members subs."Liam has stopped his talking in his earpiece and is now talking to Louis directly, placing a hand over the youngers clenched hand. He could see how tense he was.

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