Back to Mystic Falls

Start from the beginning

He hesitated for a moment and then he slowly nodded.

„Saphrinne.“ I turned to her. „You have another powder, right? I need to talk to him.“

„You need to talk to him? Like alone?“

"Yes. I know he is not going to tell anything in front of you, guys. And he can't hurt me, I am stronger than him.“

I knew that neither of them agree with me. They didn't want to leave me alone with him, but I know Damon. He came here with some reason, it wasn't just a coincidence.

 „It's up to you.“ Saphrinne gave me small velvet bag.

Thea looked into my eyes and I smiled at her, I want her to know that I am okay and there is nothing to fear. But when I turned to Dorian, we was already gone. It made me sad that he was thinking that is a dirty trick, but I had to do it.

I came closer to Damon and I blew another powder in his face. At first, nothing happened, but then, he opened his eyes.

„So who is the sleepy head right now?“ I smirked at him.

He murmured something. „Oouch! What did you give me? My head...“

„Enough of crying. Why are you here?“

He didn't answer, he didn't even look in my eyes.

„Hallooo!“ I waved my hand in front of his eyes. „Excuse me, but it's impolite to ignore a lady.“

„I see no lady here. I see a silly girl who can't handle this situation anymore and she can't admit the fact that her daddy is gone.“

He knew exactly what to say to make my angry. „What is wrong with you?!“

„You can find another person who can help you and I will kill him or her. Another witch? Another death. And it's all your fault because you cant stop looking for new ways how to bring him back!“

I was standing in front of him, completely speechless.

Damon... he is the one who killed all these witches, everyone who could help me. I would never have thought it can be him.

I know he hated my father, that they were arguing a lot and they tried to kill each others. But I took this as a betrayal.

„Are going to drug me again because I told you the truth?“

„You are insensitive. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You wouldn't care if someone closer to you dropped dead as long as you were alive.“

I was really close to my breaking point.

He started to laugh and I couldn't handle myself any longer.

My once sparkling piercing blue eyes were now red and not full of happiness, but full of pain and anger.

I didn't care what I felt for him, and what happened between us once.

He was sitting in front of me as the easiest target and I had so much anger in myself.

I grabbed him by the neck of his t-shirt and I threw him across the room where he collided with several pictures on the wall before falling to the fall.

But it wasn't enough for me. I hit him again and again and this time he collided with the table which collapsed under him.

Dorian ran into the room and hugged me around my shoulders to stop me.

„Stop it, Ali, you are killing him.“

„I don't care!“ I yelled, I wanted to bite him and kill him.“

Dorian didn't let me, he hugged me even tighter and whispered in my ear: „You need to bring your dad back, Damon is not worth it.“

After his words I calmed myself down.

Damon was lying on the floor, he had blood on his face and he coughed.

„Take her out of here.“ Saphrinne said from the door, Thea was standing beside her with fear in her eyes. He was watching me carefully like I could hurt her.

„I am sorry.“ I whispered and I went away from the room with Dorian.


The whole afternoon was someone with me. They wanted to guard me and I wanted to argue with them but I knew it is useless. Dorian watched me closely like he wasn't sure about me.

„It was Damon.“ I told him.

It was night and the only sound was music from the bar BLUE DEMON

„Damon is the one who killed all these witches. He doesn't want me to find a way how to bring Klaus back.“

Dorian sighed but he didn't say a word and he hugged me around my shoulders. He knew how hard it is for me and I was grateful he is not judging me.

I put my head on his shoulder.

„Ali?“ said Thea behind our backs.

„Oh, not now, Thea.“ murmured Dorian and I laughed quietly.

„Moira is looking for you.“

I turned around. „What's going on? What's wrong?“ I asked fearfully.

„She didn't tell me anything else.“

I ran into to bar. I knew it is serious and if it is serious it is about my father.

„Moira?“ I yelled from the stairs and I ran into her room.

I didn't want to rude but my curiosity was stronger.

„Moira! Thea told me that you are looking for me.“

She looked into my eyes and I came closer to her and sat down to the chair in front of her.

„You are here for over a month and you are done training.“ she said slowly. „I know it wasn't easy. I

didn't tell you everything, the whole process is very hard, mentally and physically. But now I think you are ready.“

„You mean that... I can go there? To the Purgatory?“

„There is no door to the Purgatory on which you can knock on and just walk into.“

Not what I expected...

„If you want to save a soul, you have to be connected with it. Not only mentally but also physically.“

„I don't understand you.“ I shook my head.

„You need his body.“

„But his body is in Mystic Falls.“

She didn't answer me, she was waiting when I realized what she meant.

„We are going to the Mystic Falls?“

„You are going to the Mystic Falls. I have no reason to go there, I taught you everything you need, now it is up to you.“

I sighed.

Back to Mystic Falls... this is gonna be epic! 


Oow, poor Damon :( And she is going back to Mystif Falls, finally! :D 

What do you think? Please please, pretty please, let me know if you like it or not, it means a lot to me ^_^

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to @loveilee_shaniya ;)

Family Above All (Alexandra, Klaus's daughter - TVD FF) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now