Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Escape

I look over at the clock on my bedside table. 11:45p.m. I groaned, 15 more minutes. Under my night-gown I was wearing jeans, a short-sleeved shirt, and wool socks. I had a bag packed and my hiking boots next to it. I lay there waiting for what seems like forever, listening to my heart beat in the darkness. "Am I ready to leave?" I ask myself. Of course I am. I've been planning this for months. I just needed to wait until Winter was over. 11:58p.m. My heart beats fast. I get up and lay the note for my "mother and father" on my freshly made bed. It reads;

Dearest Mother and Father,

First, I'd like to say that I am sorry. I have left because I can't be a Princess anymore. The pressure from the public and knowing that I'll have to watch over the kingdom one day has become too much. I need to find myself somewhere far away from the Castle. I hope one day you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. I love you. I'm sorry.

All my love,


I looked at the clock again. 12:01p.m. Emma should be coming now. I start pacing back and fourth and I suddenly hear a small knock at the door. I practically fly to the handle. When I open the door, Emma's not there. There is my bag of food, jacket, and sleeping bag on the floor though. I take it graciously. I take out the notes that I wrote for my teacher, Emma, the cleaning staff, the cooking staff, and Jason; my father's advisor. I put on my jacket, and throw the bags over my shoulder. All of a sudden, the bag wiggled a little. "What the...." I whisper. I put the bag on the floor and unzip it. I gasp so loud I think I might give myself away. Inside is a white little puppy. There's a note attached to it's collar. It reads;


This is Sophie, a puppy I got from a friend. I can't take care of it, so I thought you could. A word of advice... Fairies are always a good place to start.


I am confused by the note but have no time to ponder about it. I shove the note into my bag and look at Sophie. I then notice there is a rope in the bag, and I decide to use it as a leash for her. I pack the bag and lead Sophie along. There is barely any light in the halls and it's almost pitch black. I creep along the halls deeper and deeper into the darkness. Up ahead, I see a light. My mind is racing. I see a curtain, and run to it. I go behind it and press myself against the wall. I'm holding Sophie and she's trembling. The person with the candle walks passed, and the light fades away. I quickly get out from behind the curtain and run for a long time.

Yet again, I see another candle ahead. Uh-oh! There are no curtains around. But there is a balcony... I run to it. I am on the first floor so it wouldn't be too long of a jump! Ugh, stop thinking. Just do. I cradle Sophie in my arms and jump. It doesn't take long until I hit the ground and Sophie whimpers a little. I pick her up and start sprinting for the gates.

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All the love,


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