Chapter 1

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(This chapter is dedicated to @bellatrixfan1)

Chapter 1: Royalty

"Quit moving!" Adrianna hisses.

"Well, I would, if you would stop poking me with pins!" I cry.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am."

I stood looking out the window into the village beyond our Castle. I was in the middle of getting my dress fitted for yet another ball.

"When will I get to do what I want?" I ask aloud. Adrianna just smiles.

"Someday, you mark my words, I'm going to run away. I'm going to escape all of this, these parties and gowns and SECRETS!" I yelled.

"Secrets, Ma'am?" Adrianna asked worriedly.

"I um, erm....." I trailed. Thankfully, Adrianna waved it off.

I change out of my dress and into my everyday clothes. I start sprinting to the North Tower to my room, where my mother is waiting to talk to me. By the time I get there, my lungs are screaming for air.

"Hello dear," says my mother.

"Hi," I reply glumly.

"Is something wrong?" She asks her voice full of concern.

"Yes!" I cry.

She looks startled. "Tell me what's wrong," she soothes.

"Oh it's nothing, it's just my, erm... schoolwork! Yes, it's my schoolwork that's been troubling me."

"Well why didn't you tell me before? I will request that Mrs. Anderson gives you some extra help."

"Thank you," I say forcing a smile.

"Now, I wanted to tell you that your flute lesson has been canceled," she says.

In my head I'm screaming. Really?!? You make me run all the way here just to tell me my flute lesson's been canceled?

Instead I say, "Okay."

"Alright, I'll leave you to rest," she breathes.


She leaves my room quietly. I run to my bed and scream into a pillow. I've almost just let my plans slip twice! I must be more careful.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Comment, vote, like! You are the best.

All the love,


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