[ 1 - Preference ] Their Nicknames for You.

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Though he's been in the modern era for quite some time, he's noticed that keeping some gestures, such as romantic ones, old-fashioned has really helped him have a lasting impact on women. Due to this he tends to call you my darling, my love, my dearest, my heart, my only, and sweetheart. As you can tell, he seems to like announcing his possession over you with the word 'my', but you don't take this the wrong way. It actually makes you comfortable knowing that by using that word, he means that you are his one and only and that he is proud to be yours.


At first glance, you wouldn't take him as the romantic type, but after spending time with him, you've come to learn that he is one of the gooiest guys ever. Whether it's during a night out on the town or in the privacy of his home, he loves to make sure you know how much he cares for you in his famous Tony Stark fashion. He'll call you things like sugar, babe, angel-face, boo, gorgeous and recently even bae. He thinks he's so hip and original, but he's really just a big, lovable dork with a silly smile.


Being him, he hasn't really had much experience in the relationship department. He's had connections with women but he always found it too risky to be with them due to his overbearing green buddy. That changed when he met you - how independent, smart, and strong you were. Of course he's scared of hurting you, but he loves you so much that he's willing to risk everything to be with you. He'll call you names such as Juliet, kitten, dumpling, and the classic pet name, darling.


Truth be told, he's probably the worst at romantic banter. He's abrasive, loud, and completely oblivious, but you still gave him a chance anyways. You knew it wasn't his fault for being this way - he is from another realm after all. At first, his cheesy attempts at naming you made you laugh, but after hearing him say it so many times with the sound of true happiness in his voice you realized that those were quite possibly the cutest names anyone has ever called you. He'll call you my queen, my dearest, and her majesty on an hourly basis.


Out of all the Avengers, he's the one most likely to call you something offensive but make it sound like it's the exact opposite. He doesn't mean it in a rude way, he loves you way too much to risk hurting you, he just simply says what he feels about you. He tends to stick with the normal pet names like baby doll, darling, angel, and sweetheart, but you're never surprised when he slips up and calls you booby. Not even your relationship is safe from his obsession with birds, but hey, you still love him anyways.


When you two started dating, he wasn't the quickest at finding cute names to call you. There was a trial and error period that may have lasted longer than most, but what he came up with was something so true to his soul that when he explained his reasoning behind calling you it, you ended the conversation by crying on his shoulder. He calls you one name and that is angel. He picked this because you help give him purpose everyday you spend with him and because you help him from destroying himself out of guilt. How freaking adorable is that?


His nicknames for you change almost as fast as he can run. Due to this, you've never really been called a certain name for longer than a week at most, but you're okay with that because it keeps things interesting between you two. When he's not out saving the world or making snarky comments about how everybody is so slow, you two end up talking for hours about what to call each other next. Right now he calls you snookums, but by the end of the day, it'll probably be time for him to change it.


Lord does he know how to make someone feel special. Unlike his brother, Loki is gentle with you and knows what to call you when you're feeling certain emotions. When you're sad he'll call you my radiance, and when you're angry he'll call you my princess. If you're feeling anything other than those he'll call you my queen, my love, or my dear. Some might find it strange how he has certain pet names picked out for your emotions, but you find the thought of it romantic. It just goes to show that he really does care about you and how you feel.


She doesn't really have a nickname for you quite yet. It's not because she isn't invested enough in the relationship, it's because she's just not that type of partner. Instead of calling you cute nicknames, she simply says your name, but that is enough for you. The way she says it is so full of admiration and love that you can't help but feel all warm inside. With you, it's not the name that counts, it's the thought that means everything.


As with Natasha, a nickname isn't exactly her way of showing how much she adores you. In place of pet names, she'll simply take hold of your hands (if you two aren't already doing so) and place a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth. This is her pet name for you and you couldn't be happier with it. Plus, you think it's adorable how she has to stand on her tippy toes to give it to you. What a lil' munchkin!


that's that. thanks for poppin' by marvelites! if you have any requests for preferences, comment them down below. if you have any requests for imagines or one-shots, pm me so that we can talk about it a bit more in-depth.

- pissfridge, you friendly neighbourhood refridgerator.

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