Alone Together

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I stared at the lady behind the counter of a shabby looking motel, she looked bored and like she'd rather be anywhere but here as she read her newspaper that I noted was days old as it shows on the date.

Clearing my throat to catch her attention, which it did, she looked at me from head to whatever her eyes can reach. It was as if she was assessing me..or judging me.

"I'd like a room please.." I inquired meekly, turning she just took a key off the little hangers on the wall and handed over to me, now when I pulled out a few bucks her hand stopped me.

"No need, you look like you need it so its on the house.." She smiled a little and I did so back, who knew there are people like her?

No one.

"Thanks.." I mumbled and she nodded, making my way to the elevator that looked out of place since it looked fairly new, loading my soaking self in it I listened to the elevator song and pressed the 4th floor.

Noting it was Fall Out Boy's new tune "Alone Together" which set me back for a while, it sung to me like it was calling me. The ride up to the 4th floor felt like it was a lifetime.

I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul?
I don't know where I'm going
But I don't think I'm coming home and I said
I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end.

Humming along to the tune, the door dinged amd what greeted me made me frown, what is a man like him doing on a shabby cheap motel like this?

"Excuse me." I mumbled and trudged my soaked self past him, passing by the doors I spotted my room "44". Fumbling with the keys, I groaned in frustration and slammed my foot against the door as if it would help with the situation but it was as if this door was blocked in the other end that it won't even budge.

"Damn it." I mumbled and leaned my head against the door, before I noticed I was already sobbing and sliding down the floor, Hiding my hideous face from the world in between my knees.

I despise the world on how cruel it was
I loathe those group of human beings I once called my family..
I hate myself..

Fück i'm being pathetic..

I continously sobbed until I heard steps coming near, I felt like one of those dumb blondes (no offense) in horror films where she gets caught by the killer and be dumb enough to even look vulnerable and shiét instead of running for dear life.

"Pretty women shouldn't be looking like a mess in a shabby motel." A deep, masculine and drop dead sexy voice said.

"If you know what I look like you'd take those words back." I mumbled, still keeping my face in between my knees.

"I doubt..." He trailed off and it just ticked me off more, why the fück won't he just leave me be?!

"Look.. just leave me alone, i'm pretty sure you have somewhere to be." I snapped but never looked at him, in the fear he might scream of my hideous face as my so-called and ex-sister said.

It was always like that.. She's the perfect sister, the prodigal daughter and their prized possesion, now a top model in the fashion industry and of course mom's personal barbie in flesh and blood.

Then there was me, plain ole' Cassandra or more like hideous, sasquatch little imperfect daughter who is only good at academics and terrible fashion sense. Hank once said my face reminded him of someone he hated so much that looking at me was an eyesore..

Back in our family pictures, Andrew and Beth are the ones up front whilst I was standing on the sidelines looking like a gloomy soul.

I heard a thump go beside me and I couldn't help but take a peek and what I saw made my heart tighten, there beside me sat a male wearing quite the expensive looking suit, I couldn't see his face though because of my hair covering my face and preventing my eyes from seeing further.

"I really do but I think I like this place better..." He sighed and just hearing him speak is like music to my ears.

"You're wasting your time." I replied back and well since my neck started to ache, I sat up straight and leaned my head against the door that wouldn't budge open.

Didn't care if my hair was a mess right now, I was a mess and I still am a mess. I am not used to being out of the mansion for so long, as long as I could remember I was locked in that place like a prisoner was who was sentenced for a lifetime of imprisonment - I was only out when I have a school day and my part-time job, things like shopping or just idly walking was never something I did since I never had time.

"You're not as bad as you think you know? There are people that feel the need to take other people down or just feel like making them feel worthless..." Said the male beside me, I was on alert. I pushed myself against the door and looked at the man sitting beside me.

Now I got a better look at him my breath got knocked away from my lungs. There sat the most beautiful man I have ever seen, his raven hair made his beautiful pale face stand out more.

His beautiful deep sapphire eyes that were framed by long lashes, a nose that looked almost perfect if not for it looking a wee bit crooked if you stared at it with so much concentration you would notice (like what I am doing now) but all in all he looked so fucking perfect it was impossible he existed or human.

Cassandra you might be hallucinating again.. my mind whispered as if its thoughts could be heard.

The way he dressed himself spoke authority and wealth... Filthy wealthy and the power that just seeped out his pores would either scare you or bring you closer to him.

"I know I'm hot dear, no need to stare too long." He chuckled and that brought me out of my reverie.


But he had the goods to be that cocky so let it slip Casey.

"What made you think that was the problem?" I asked him, previous to his statement awhile back before he broke me from my oggling state.

"The way you reacted to when I said it and of course your answer earlier back. Obviously you have been degraded by people and with the way you spoke, it was obvious it was an everyday occurence." He states as if he was talking about the weather for the day.

"What are you? a Psychologist?" I joked, he just shrugged as an answer.

"So tell me... What happened to the pretty lady to land herself in a place like this?" He looked deep into my eyes and I can't help but get lost in those eyes forever.

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