Chapter 2:Becoming the Swan's and mystery drawers

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I don't own Twilight nor the characters Stephenie Meyer created.I only own the ones that i created.

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When I woke up nothing looked familier at all.I turned around and saw that Esme had brown hair.I got off my bed and started waking up Esme.

"Esme wake up now!"I whispered loudly

Esme started waking up and sat up.

"What Alex."She said tiredly

When Esme stared at me she opened her eyes widely and fell off the bed.I went to pick Esme up to see if she was ok.

"Esme are you alright?"

"How the heck did you get brown hair?"Esme asked

I stared at Esme wierdly wondering what she meant  by me having brown hair and I noticed that she had brown eyes too.

"Esme what do you mean I have brown hair and why are your eyes and hair color different?"

"Well your hair is-Wait what!"

"Well your hair color and eye color are different."I said.

Esme was about to say something when the door suddenly opened.

"Finally you girls are awake, me and dad were waiting for you girls downstairs to eat breakfast and then when were done we'll go to our new school."said the girl who looked like us.

Me and Esme  stared at her and then I remembered Esme and I made a wish.I realized the person in front of us was Bella.

"Hello girls are you going to hurry up?"

"Uh,yeah Bella we're just going to change that's all right Esme."

"Uh yeah Alex's right we have to change."

Bella nodded and left.Me and Esme stared at each other in shock.

"Was that Bella Swan!'Esme whisperd loudly

I just nodded.I still could'nt believe our wish came true.Maybe that meant I'll get Edward and Esme will get Seth.But who will Bella get?

"Alex we better change and go downstairs."

I nodded but then i realized which cloths were ours.

"Um Esme how are we suppose to know which cloths are ours."

"Well let's open the closet and search."

I opened the closet and saw three drawers.Each of them had a symbol.

"Okay this is creepy, but cool which drawer could be ours."Esme said.

I did'nt say anything but i felt tempted to open the drawer with a angel and a witch on it.I went forward to the drawer and opened it.My cloths were in it.

"Wait that's your drawer,but how did you know?"Esme asked

"I don't know but I felt tempted to open it that's all."I responded

"Alex can you try to guess which one's mine."

"Sure I'll try."

I looked a both drawers and I went forward to the drawer with a angel on it.I opened it and saw that they're Esme's cloths.

"Wow Alex maybe you see the future like Alice."

I nodded but I could'nt figure out how I knew.

"Well I think we should change before Bella decides to come up."Esme said.

I nodded and grabbed my cloths and started changing.

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Alexthevampirewriter :)

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