⎼⎼⌞chapter two⌝⎼⎼

Start from the beginning

"In other words, they're gonna keep their pants on." John said with a snide tone as Chloe's voice began wavering from how upset she was.

"So, we can't defend our title, and we can't tour?" Chloe asked shaking her head in disbelief before the dean cut her off.

"And you can't hold any auditions. We don't need your ranks to grow like a fungus." He said, as even Gail looked surprised by his comment.

"Oh, so that's it then? So, basically, the Bella's are over?" Chloe said, her chest beginning to heave as she tried to contain how upset she was.

"Look ladies, I'm sorry that this disciplinary action has shocked you. Especially since you're all seniors. But the truth is, you're just women...and you'll all be pregnant soon." John said as Gail shook her head at his comment. Beca wrapping her arm over Chloe in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hold on, there's nothing in here that strips us of our national title. And, if we're still reigning champs, then we are automatically invited to represent America at the World Championships this spring." Chloe said hopefully as she started smiling at the possibility.

"Ah, yes, the World Championships of acappella, where every four years groups from around the globe compete for world domination." Gail said nodding her head.

"Look, ladies, we can't stop you from going to the World's Competition. It's not gonna help your case here." John said sternly as he shrugged.

"Not at all." Gail said cutting in as she waved her hands, hoping we would discard the idea completely.

"What if we win it?" Beca suggested with a straight face.

"What if you win it? Like... you... out perform the other groups? How do you fit such big
dreams in such a small body? What if you win it?" John said as Gail and him began bursting into abrupt laughter.

"What if... what if you win it?" John repeated laughing as the dean began looking around confused.

"Yeah, if we win, will you reinstate us?" Beca asked her voice unwavering as we all nodded behind her.

"Sure. No American team has ever won." Gail stated still chuckling at the idea as John nodded along.

"That's because they hate us." John said as their laughter began to start back up again.

"The whole world." Gail chuckled as she waved her hands, astonished that we could even think that winning World's was possible.

"The whole world hates us." John repeated still laughing, we glanced at the Dean as he nodded for us to make our way out..

"Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God." Chloe said as she began pacing the moment we stepped foot out of the office.

"Chloe, do not blame yourself. You're a ginger, that's punishment enough." Amy said as Chloe continued to ignore her as she paced and mumbled to herself.

"This is not all your fault, it's on all of us." Beca said in an attempt to comfort Chloe.

"No it's my fault, if only I tamed more like I say I'm gonna do every New Year's." Amy says as we all glanced at her.

"So, if we don't win the World's, then what are we? Just a bunch of girls who hang out?" Staci asked glancing around before Cynthia Rose quickly answered her.

"What's wrong with that?" Cynthia Rose said innocently as Chloe finally exploded.

"Everything! I won't let us go down in history as the team that served a clam pie to the first family!" She exclaimed as Amy looked as if she did a double take at Chloe's statement.

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