Horrible memories and pain

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Black and dull turquoise fur, a mirror image of himself. The ultimate life form could see that one of his nightmares had just come true; the return of the most unnerving and eerie adversary he had ever come across. Shaking all over, feeling helpless, Shadow shuffled back against the tree as his enemy stood in front of him. "Of all nights Mephiles..." Shadow trembled.

"What's special about tonight?" Mephiles asked with fake interest. "You're not on about  Halloween, are you?" Shadow nodded his head urgently. "There is absolutely no connection between that daft tradition and my visit," Mephiles said.

Shadow felt a little less anxious. "I would torment you any day, Shadow."
Mephiles said.

Shadow stood up and attempted to run, but a flash of purple and a push against the tree proved this to be impossible. Mephiles, who had just changed into his crystallised form and had Shadow pinned to the trunk of the tree with his hands. The clawed fingers digging into the struggling hedgehog's skin. Shadow's eyes widened in pain and shock. "What does that remind you of hedgehog?" Mephiles breathed eerily and pushed the tip of his sharply pointed index finger into Shadow's flesh. "Well?"

"No... I'm not going to remember it. I can't, I don't want to remember it," Shadow panicked and shut his eyes tight. He stood still and tried his best to think of something else, anything but those awful memories of his past. The pain meant nothing to him, it was the all too familiar feeling that reminded him of those times. Sensing the flashbacks develop in his mind, Shadow began to struggle again, he would do anything to escape the hell he was about to experience. "No!"

The smell of metal and sterile fabrics filled Shadow's snout. Hearing the tapping of shoes upon metallic floors he turned to the source of a noise. Entering the room, was a male wearing a pure white lab coat, following him were his assistants. Shadow looked down to realise he was sitting on a lab bed at the middle of this room full of medical and scientific equipment. "Gerald isn't here today Project SHADOW, so I'm in charge of the tests today," the man said sinisterly, a slight smirk crept upon his face.

Shadow gave a start as hands gripped around his wrists, two of the assistants were holding the startled hedgehog still. "Where's Maria... I need her," Shadow trembled. He always relied on his female companion to comfort him while painful experiments were performed on him.

"Also away," the man said simply, he was holding a needle. "You've been a thorn in my side for too long, hedgehog, always asking to be exempt from these important tests which are part of the research," he complained as he walked closer to the terrified hedgehog. "Well, there is no one here today that can save you."

"I don't want to do this! I hate needles!" Shadow struggled frantically, the two assistants held him, still cringing at the fact that an innocent creature was about to be poked and prodded by the very thing he feared. Although, not wanting to lose their jobs, they held the panicking hedgehog still as their boss drew closer and prodded Shadow's arm. "No!"

Despite Shadow's cries asking for mercy, he was prodded in all places possible. The thin, sharp spine cutting through his skin and flesh slowly and painfully, drawing blood in some spots.

After ten minutes of injections Shadow had tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please... make it stop," he begged while breathing raggedly.

"One... last... injection," the scientist said in concentration and aimed his abnormally long needle for Shadow's stomach. All the poor hedgehog could do was cry and choke in agony as the needle pierced the sensitive area.

One scientist took a little knife and he began to cut Shadow's chest fur.
Shadow cried out.
The scientist then cut his stomach.
He stopped cutting once he got a deep cut in Shadow. He wrote some things down on paper then sewed the cut up.

Scientist: Now it's the end for you, hedgehog.

Shadow: Noooooo.

Shadow's eyes flashed open, he realized that flash back was over but he was still in agony. Looking down he saw green blood oozing out of his body, there were hundreds of little metallic spines poking out of the whole of his torso, arms and legs, including his stomach. He took in another ragged and deep breath then a shrilling cry flew over the city that was just half a mile away.
Then Shadow fell into a pile of leaves. Mephiles had punched him in the face knocking him off balance. He was completely Knocked out.

Mephiles: Just like what happened in your past! Your pathetic.

Sonic had ran over to Shadow's side. By then Mephiles had vanished into the shadows of the city.

Sonic carried Shadow back home and took care of his injuries. His stomach was cut open and Shadow's chest fur was was now just  short black fur. His chest fur was laying in clumps on the ground where Sonic had found Shadow.

Before long, Shadow was all healed and his white chest fur had grown back.

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