"Yeah, he emailed me last night. Which is a good thing, concidering you brought my this morning." I said.

"Wait, so you guys are doing modeling together?" Drake asked.

"Mm hm." I nodded.


"Didn't you get the text I sent you about the billboard?" Jace asked him.

"No, I'm gettinga new phone today - the other one broke."

"What happened to it?" I asked.

"Fell out of my pocket into an oil bucket when I was working on my uncle's car." He shook his head.

"That sucks." I laughed. "So do any of you guys play any sports?" I asked the two of them. Jes and Ash were laughing in their own convorsation.

"Nope." Drake said. Jace shook his head, watching me.

"What?" I asked with a small smile.

"Nothing." He gave me his own small smile. A few minutes later the teacher walked in. Thankfully, today was just a lecture and he was totally oblivious to the students in the room. His own little world must be the one fully comprised of the front half of the room - either that or his vision sucks - because he ignored the rest of us. When the class was over, Jace led me to my next class. I stared at his back the whole time I followed him to make sure I didn't get any contact with the cameras. Jace slowed and walked beside me, and Drake was suddenly on my right. They took me into the next classroom and jace sat down his things and Drake walked across the hall to his History class.

"I honestly didn't think I'd have to deal with this." I said, thankful there was no one else in the room yet.

"Once you settle in people will get used to it." He put his arm around me and I leaned into his shoulder. "That's how it was for Ash, Drake, and me." He said.

"I hope you'rer right. Because it feels like it's going to be like this after every billboard of catalogue or whatever. Do any of them come to fashion shows?"

"Yeah, a bit part of the school is really into that stuff - mainly the girls."

"Great." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

By the end of the day I had gone from the new girl to the most popular girl in the entire school. Forget those sexy cheerleaders, now they had a model to follow all over the place. When I went to the bathroom I asked Jace or Jes to wait outside and make sure no one came in, because I was afraid someone would try to take my picture. Aparently a few of them even followed un to the shoot, because there was now a mob of people outside the glass doors to the store.

"Damn, girl. You sure do attract the crowds." Fabio said, watching me in hair and make-up.

"Those are my fellow high schoolers." I closed my eyes, trying to chill out. "It sucks."

"You know what doesn't suck?"

"I'm getting a big bad body guard to make them leave me and Jace alone?"

"No..." He coaxed.

"You convinced my parents to let me homeschool?"

"No, silly! You get to come to the party tomorrow!" He clapped his hands. "And Jace will be your date."

"Wait. So you're setting me up for a date to some party?"

"Not just any party. It's the party after the fashion show tomorrow! You get to go reherse now when you're finished with the shoot." Jace was waiting for me on set.

"So I was just set up on a date with you." I said when we were finished. We were sitting on the couch in the back looking at the photos. Everyone else had left already.

"So i heard." He smiled.

"And I take it that this match up doesn't disappoint you?" I smiled.

"Not in the slightest." He turned to the next picture. "This one is going to be used for D&G." He said quietly. "And this one for Loui Vuitton." He turned to look at me and leaned back against the couch. I turned and draped my legs across his lap.

"Are you going to wear the Armani suit to the party?" I asked.

"I was planning on it." he muttered.

"What do you want me to wear?" I asked.

"Whatever." He siad. "Black is always good."

"Black it is." I looked into his eyes. You know that moment when half of your mind goes in one dirrection and the other half goes the other way? Well, the one half of it kept telling me to kiss him - of course. But the other half wanted to let it all play out.

"What time do I need to have you home?" He asked.

"Whenever you get sick of my company." I said, looking down at my nails.

"Hey." He touched my chin and gently lifted it up. "Now we both know that that'd never happen." He smiled. I knew that if I didn't do it then it would never happen. I kissed him. His reaction wasn't surprised, but he took a moment to react. But when he did, I can honestly say it was the real thing. Forget that on-set 'real' kiss from the other day, this was it. This was the moment that people say they've been waiting for their whole entire life. His hand on the back of my neck tilted my head up to stay against his lips. I reached up with one hand and touched his cheek, brushing it with my fingers. There was the sound of keys and we both pulled back from eachother a bit.

"Do you want to go to Olive Garden?" I whispered.

"Let's go." He kissed me again and wrapped his arm around me to lead me out of the room.

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