He treated me as his real daughter.Michael has a company.A shoes and a clothing line.So,whatever things I want,he can afford to buy it.But I'm not the type of girl who likes shopping very much.I am like a tomboy or something.

I remembered when dad gave me dresses and some pumps heels,I just kept it in my closet and I never wore it in my entire life.And I also rememdered when he bought me some nail polish.I just threw it away not caring how much or where did it came from.

My dad tried to explain me that "they were expensive,came from somewhere in Paris and blah blah blah."I'm just not that type of girl

Instead,I wear some of men's t-shirt,combat boots,supra and anything not that girlish.

But sometimes,I wear make-ups like mascara,and a bit of lip gloss and a powder.

Okay,back to my dogs.Tea was given to me by my grandparents and he's a golden retriever.(I know that his name is like for a girl,but I don't care.hahaha) While Raf,is a husky dog.He was given to me by my stepdad,Michael,on my 10th birthday.

Tea and Raf was named after my best friend and I,Rafael or Raffy.

"Hey,it's time to let go buddies!" I told them with a smile while they let go of me.

"I gotta go take a bath now,okay.I have school today but don't worry,I'll walk you two later afterwards.Anyways,it's Friday today.I'm totally free,bye!" I added with a smile whilst Tea and Raf wiggle their tails

"Bye" I told them once again as I hugged them.I don't want to let go of my babies.They're with me when they were still puppies.

Finally,I waved goodbye to them.

+ + +

After I took a bath,I wore my school uniform.I hate wearing these because of my skirt.

"Urgh! I hate this skirt" I complained

Suddenly,my phone rang playing One Direction's Live While We're Young.

OMG..One Direction!!!

God!,I really,really,really love One Direction! When you see my room,I have lots of posters and pictures on my wall.I'm a fangirl.Only to them.Nobody and nothing else.

Hey girl,I'm waitin' on ya'

I'm waitin' on ya'

Come on and let me sneak you out

And have a celebration

A celebration

The music up,the window's down

Then it stopped ringing.

"Where's that phone!?" I asked myself while looking for it on my bed.

Then I came looking for it in my closet,then on the table.NONE -_-

"Damn you phone! Urgh!" Then I looked at the bathroom.

Finally! I found it.Wait,why did I put it there?Silly me

"Oooh,I have a missed call and an iMessage from Raffy" I smiled when I read the message.It's my best friend

From: Raffy best friend

Hey!Good Morning

Do you mind if I can walk with you to your school before I go to my school today? (= xx

I replied to his message

To: Raffy best friend

Sure,why not! ((= xx

He replied

From: Raffy best friend

Okay! =D

I'll be there like 10 minutes (((=

Hahaha.Silly Raffy.

Then I came down the stairs and into the living room where I met my mum still watching.

"Gonna drive you on the way to your school?"  Mum asked me while I grab my bag holding my iPhone.

"No mum.Raffy will" I replied

"Okay.Just take care and stay out of any trouble,young lady.

"Okay,bye mum!,and mum,I will walk Tea and Raf later okay?" I added with a smile.She just nodded as a reply.

Then,I finally walked out of our house and saw Raffy standing about 10 feet away from me

"RAFFY!!!!" I shouted as I ran towards him.

= = =

.Okay,a little bit of a cliffhanger there!

So,did you like it?

I'm really sorry for some errors okay?

I am not that good at English.I'm used to speak in Filipino.

Don't worry,I'll post the second chapter maybe tomorrow or on the second day.I gotta go now because I'll wake up earlier later.It's like twelvish here so,yeah.We're gonna clean our school tomorrow -_-..

Just leave some comments about my story and fan/follow me! ((=

and also in Twitter at @Jasmin_Eala ! ((= bye xxx

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