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[See author's note below]

She texted back.

Most kids want a reaction when they're silent. They want something to happen so desperately. The last thing I wanted was that. A reaction.

This is what it said.

If you don't want to be friends with me anymore. Then fine. I don't need someone in my life if they don't need me. I have friends like Sam and May who may not always will always be there for me. I'll just let you know, I'm not going to the freaking party so get over yourself. You already turned Emily a

That was where the text ended on my phone. I don't care if I read the last part or not. I knew she was going to be trouble from the moment she walked in my life.

She was my best friend's boyfriend back in 6th and 7th grade. It was only an infatuation. The breakup was horrible.

My friend, Harry, was going to break up with her, but then Sarah kiked him saying that she was breaking up with him. He was perfect with it. Then later the same day, she was kiking him saying that she wanted him back, but he stuck to his mind and said no.

Sarah had been very emotional through the next few weeks. Months, even. I was so lucky my first breakup went smoothly today. She was saying that Harry's twin, Kenye, had told her to cut herself and go to hell. Sarah said he wanted her to kill herself so bad. She started to cut herself on her wrists, hid it under bracelets. I can't believe I consoled her during band practice with her tears while Mrs. Oswald wasn't on watchdog mode.

But Harry had a different story. He said she was always kiking him to get back together. It had gotten to the point where he blocked her from all his social media, even put her on his call reject list. She also started lying to him. Lies about anything, everything.

Sarah eventually healed from it, but it was still hard being friends with both. At Harry and Kenye's house, they would still say things about her, and I wouldn't tell her or anyone. That's what friends do, right?

It started downhill from there. When Sarah came over, she would always ask to go to Orange Leaf or Starbucks. We did only twice, and I couldn't tell her I couldn't afford it all the time, because I didn't want her to feel like I was a bad person, but we couldn't. None of my other friends, my real friends ever did that.

Anyways, I had let it go for sometime until the new school year came rolling around. Just one more year in the blasted middle school and we would be thrown to the big dogs. Her friend May moved in with her grandma to go to our school. We had social studies together, and I also had social studies with my boyfriend, and we would joke around a lot.

Then Sarah started to treat May that she shouldn't. May had a naturally negative character, so Sarah would start pushing May around and asking her why she was so negative all the time.

Then it happened.

I don't want to talk at all about what happened, because it was too painful. I was crying my eyes out at lunch the day I found out. She asked what was wrong, and I told her that I knew she wouldn't want me to tell her. And she said, why not, there's no way she'd know. And I thought word would get around to the girl's mom in Chicago. And she asked me who this was. I told her she wouldn't know, because I met her at a camp this summer and I miss her ever so much.

"Oh, it's one of your JBA friends." She rolled her eyes and couldn't say it any meaner. I kept crying the whole day, no one else asking about it.

The only other person I ever told besides my mom was my best friend, Jackie. Jackie and I are sisters from another mister, we tell each other everything. She felt sorry for my friend up in Chicago, and she understood completely.

[silence]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora