Chapter 29 First Month Of 11 Grade And First Date

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Hazel's POV

I am so happy that I am with Sawyer. He can protect me for the rest of the world. Sawyer and I have spent every second at school and at CMA. Sawyer and I work on Homework together everyday and are teachers don't give us a lot at all. I have gotten all of work done with the help of Sawyer. It's Saturday and Sawyer and I are cleaning all of the dolphin poles. Hey honey Sawyer says. I look up at him and say yes? I need to go to talk to you're dad for a little bite Sawyer says. I say ok. Sawyer walks over to me and says you know I love you so much right? Yea I know I love you more I say. Sawyer bends down and kisses me. I immediately wrap my arms around him and he puts his hands around my waist. After a few minutes of kissing Sawyer says he will see me in a little bite. I say I will waiting here for you. My talk with you're dad will probably just 10 min. Ok love you so much Sawyer I say. Love you too Sawyer says.

Sawyer's POV

I walk into Dr.Clay's office. I knock on his office door Dr.Clay says hey Sawyer what do you need? I walk into can I talk to you for a few minutes? Yea I always have time Dr.Clay says. I have dated you're daughter for 4 months and I love her so much I say. Clay looks at me and says you are the best person for my daughter and she loves you so much and I don't want anyone else to date my daughter. Thanks I say. I wanted  to ask you for permission to ask you're daughter out on are first date I say. Dr.Clay says you always have my permission. Thanks so much Dr.Clay for my first job and letting me date you're daughter. You're a great person Sawyer and I am very happy that you and my daughter found each other Dr.Clay says. Dr. Clay stands up and walks over to me and says you are the love of Hazel's life and know that she is the love of you're life. Thanks a lot that means a lot I say. When are you planing on taking Hazel out on you're first date as a couple Dr.Clay says. I was thinking about tonight if that is ok? That's a great idea Clay says. Thank's so much I walk out of Clay's office.

Dr. Clays POV

Sawyer just walked out of my office when I remember what Hazel gave me before she passed away. Hazel's mom wanted me to give it to her when she found true love and before her first date. I grab the small box and run out of my office when I see Sawyer. I call his name and Sawyer turns around. I walk quickly to him and hand him the box and say give this to Hazel. Sawyer says ok and thanks me. Sawyer asks me for help getting the date set up? Yea I would love too I say. Sawyer tells me the plan and I love it. Sawyer says thank you so much. I start walking too the beach so I can start setting everything up for the date.

Sawyer's POV

I walk over to the dolphin pool and I see Hazel. I come up from be hind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Hazel immorality turns around. Hey honey I say. Hey baby she says. I lean down and kiss Hazel. She wraps her arms around me. Can we go to the crows nest I ask Hazel? Of course we can Hazel says. Our arms are around each other and we walk to the crows nest.

Hazel's POV

We just arrive to the crows nest. I climb to the crows nest and a few seconds latter Sawyer appears in the crows nest. Sawyer sits next to me and he puts his arm around me and he pulls me closer to him. I put my arm around him and  I lay my head on his shoulder. Sawyer wraps both of his arms around me and he says Hazel I have a very important question for you. I look at him and he says would you like to go on are first date as a couple tonight.

Sawyer's POV

I was so  nervous when I asked Hazel on are first date. As soon as I asked Hazel she immediately raps both of her arms around me leans up to me and says I would love too. When she said yes all of nervs went away instantly. I lean down and kiss Hazel for a what seems like for a really long time but it was just a few seconds. I am so happy that Hazel said yes. I need to tell her how much I love here. I take Hazel's hands and say I love so much, I did not have a life until I meet you, and you are the love of my life.

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