Chapter 19 FaceTime Talk To Family

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Clay's POV

Sawyer and Hazel left 2 weeks ago. Lorraine and I have not spoken since last week. Winter and Hope are missing Sawyer and Hazel a lot. I wise there was a way that Winter and Hope can see Sawyer and Hazel. CMA has been so busy for the past 2 weeks. We need a lot more help. I text Lorraine and ask her when she gets off work can she stop by CMA? A few seconds latter I get a reply from her saying she is not working today and why do I need her at CMA? I type because we have to talk it's very important. I think we should through a welcome home party for Sawyer and Hazel when they come back.

Lorraine's POV 

When I get the text message from Clay I get in the car quickly and drive to CMA. 10 minuets latter I pull into I run into Clay's office. Clay is sitting in his chair. I ask him what we need to talk about that is so important? He says that Winter and Hope are missing Sawyer and Hazel a lot. I wish there was a way that they can see them I say. Wait Dr. Clay said. What I said? I might have a idea that might just work. We can get a webcam hulked up over Winter and Hop's pool. That's a great I idea I said. I can go and bye the webcam if you want so you can still work. 

Clay's POV 

I can go and get it with you and we can still talk that way I said. Do you have time for that Lorraine said. Yea I have a lot of time. We drive to the store and we find the best webcam. We drive back to CMA and hulk up the webcam. Hey Lorraine I have a great idea I said. What is it she says. How about we have a surprise welcome home party for Sawyer and Hazel. That would be a great idea but we have a long time till they come back she says. Yea I know I said.

Hazel's POV 

Sawyer and I have had a great time with all of are friends. Susie is still sending a lot of awful messages and I have to talk to Sawyer about it. Sawyer and I are talking to his cousin and Karl and I know that this is the best time to tell them all. Hey can I talk to all of you guys in are room when you have time. Yea Sawyer says and Karl and Kyle says we have to do some things then we will come in you're room. Ok I say. Sawyer puts his arm around me and we walk into are room.

Sawyer's POV 

Hazel and I walk into our room and I have my arm around her. I ask her if Susie has sent some really mean things to her? Hazel looks at me and shakes her head. I move Hazel closer to me and she lays her head on my shoulder. We both move closer and a few seconds later are lips are touching and she raps both of her arms around my neck and I instantly wrap both of my arms around her butt and we kiss for a very long time. When we pull away I say love you so much Hazel. Hazel takes my hands and says I love you so much too. I  ask Hazel if I can see her phone. Hazel puts her head on my shoulder and gives me her phone. I wrap my arm around Hazel and I read all of the new messages. I look in Hazel's eyes and say I can't believe that Susie is doing this to you and when you and I get home we will go and talk to Susie's parents. 

Hazel's POV 

I am so happy that I have Sawyer to take care of me. I have to tell him that. Hey Sawyer I have to tell you something? What is it her says? I am so happy that you are I have you to take care and to be in my life. He moves closer to me and says I will always protect you and take care of you. Sawyer and I kiss again for a lot longer and we pull apart when we hear the door opening. I lay my head on Sawyer's shoulder. Sawyer immediately puts his arm around me. Karl and Kyle walk in and we show them the text messages and we send the messages to are other friends and they are furious that Susie is doing this to Hazel. Sawyer looks at me and I am sad I miss Winter and Hope. He asks me whats wrong and I tell him. He says that he misses them too. We talk to Karl and Kyle for a little longer until my computer beeps a lot telling me that I have a FaceTime call. I ask Kyle if he can get my computer for me and he gets up and gets my computer. I look at my computer and see that it's my dad and I hit answer on my computer and my dad and Lorraine come on the screen and say how it the trip so far? It's great Sawyer and I say. My dad and Lorraine says we have a surprise for you guys. What is it we say. A few seconds latter we see Winter and Hop. We tell Kyle and Karl to come and see Winter and Hope. We talk to Winter and Hope for a long time and I'm so happy that we got total to them.

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