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Kirsten's POV
When I went into the car I blushed. I didn't know why. I turned to my side and found Cameron staring at me with a sly grin. It scared the hell out of me.

"Cameron, why are you staring?"

"Oh nothing," he said as he looked to the side.

"Cameron, your blushing. You cheeks are as..."

"As red as yours.", he said smiling back at me.

"Shut up.", I said with a smile.

"Have you ever been shopping, like with someone and tried on clothes together?", he joked.

I laughed, but started thinking about what he said. My smile disappeared.

"My mom."

"What?", asked Cameron.

"My mom. When I was 7. We would always go to mall and have our makeup done and my mom would try on funny clothes to make me laugh. She would buy me nail polish and then she tried dressing me in dresses. Even then I wasn't a really dressy type of gal. Then my dad would meets us at the mall all the time and he always had something for me. I had lots of toys back then. I stopped playing with them when dad left. Ed would ask me if I wanted to go to the mall every once in a while up to when I turned 14. I never picked up a toy, nail polish bottle or dress since then. In college I shopped for bland clothes because nothing else appealed to me."

"Wow, Kirsten I'm so sorry for bringing that up."

"It's fine. I mean I probably would have thought about it anyway. We are going shopping after all."

Cameron stared again. But this time it was an admired look. Like I was really strong to tell him that. It wasn't really that hard. No filter.

"Alright lets get going."

As he said that I realized the car hasn't moved.

"Cameron, how long has it been?"

"Uh, about...damn! Thirty minutes.


"Alright. Let's go before they close. I'm in a good mood today so might as well get it over with."

We pulled up to the store. I started heading for the women section in the Halloween department. This store has a freakin department for every holiday. Cameron told me to sit in one of the chairs in front of the dressing rooms. He said he was going to pick out some costumes. He came back and had like four costumes in his hand.

"Here. Try them on."

"Wait, you picked out costumes for me? What about your costume?"

"Oh I already know what I'm wearing,"he said with a smile, "now go!"

He pushed me into the fitting room. I took the sheet off to reveal the first costume. It was a Viking costume. I came out and Cameron spit out his water that he was drinking. He almost turned purple and died. I turned around to go back in the room. I still heard Cameron laughing his ass off. I found another costume. It looked like something you would wear at a rave. It would've been perfect, but this is a Halloween party, but I put it on any way. Cameron was still laughing when I came out,but as soon as he looked at me he stopped. He just stared with big starry eyes that just lit up. He couldn't help but smile. Then he turned red. I looked away smiling. Oh god I wanted to die. I was blushing so bad.

"Um, I-uh like that one.", he said.

I started giggling, but he just kept looking at me with a stern face.

"I'm serious. I'm not kidding. Let's buy that one and go."

"No way. This is a community party not a rave. If anything I'll buy if for Camille."

"Well do you think you could one day, you know, borrow it. It looks great on you, you know."

My cheeks were bombing. I went into the dressing room and picked another one. I came out wanting to die.

"You look like a lollipop.", said Cameron with a chuckle.

"I look like Nicki Minaj. And the heels are killing me. They're like 5 inches!"

I stumbled back to find one costume standing. It was kind of like an angelic dress with wing on the back. I really liked it, but I felt something was missing.

"Come Stretch we don't have", he said as his mouth dropped.

"So, is it okay?", I asked.

"Yeah it's great, but it needs one more thing. I'll be right back."

Cameron came back with his hands behind his back. And in his hand there was this beautiful, white, glossy halo with diamonds. I gasped.

"Oh my god, Cameron!"

He placed it on my head.

"I can't let you pay for this. I mean this is only for one night."

"But you'll be an angel forevermore."

I didn't blush. I felt something bigger. I pecked him on the cheek. My heart was pounding, but the good kind. He blushed hard and looked towards the floor. I went to change back to my regular clothes. I came out and saw him and the cashier paying for the dress and the outfit for Camille. I still couldn't believe he is actually going to buy it for "Camille". I ran to the desk and took my wallet out.

"I'm paying for the halo, Miss."

"You really didn't need to do that Kirsten."

"But I wanted to."

"Alright, Cupcake you win. Now come on in the car. It's getting dark."

Cameron dropped me off and walked me to my door.


"Uh Kirsten?"


"Can I tell you something?"

I leaned my ear over to him and he kissed my cheek. He went to his car.

"Sweet dreams, Princess."

He drove off and I couldn't help but smile. My face hurt from smiling so much. It must of obvious because Camille jumped off the couch.

"What happened."

"We went shopping."

"I mean about you and Cameron."


"Then why are your cheeks red?"

Without answering her I went into my room. I took a shower and went to sleep yearning for tomorrow to come. I woke up smiling and my heart pounding.

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