Chapter 5

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It's morning And I don't wanna go to school. Tyrese was not love at first sight. I'm just figuring out that boys just want you to be there doll so they can play with you and your feelings. My saying is play with my hair not my feelings.
As I brush my teeth I started to think about love will I ever find it. And I'm also asking GOD to give me strength! It's time to leave to go to school. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out to my car. I texted my mom like always and said bye and I love you, she respond by saying love you, have a good day!
I started the car and turn up my music listening to hit the Quan.
I arrived at school, went to morning assembly .
I saw Marie come in, and said hey Marie, she said hey Sheniece.
Then I saw Trenise and we saw each other, speaking about basketball tryouts.
Me and Trenise are trying out for basketball.
We called ourselves the basketball twins. Lol! We also play two hand touch football but we like basketball more. Tomorrow is basketball tryouts already.

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