''What do you think?''Her handsome goth friend who goes by the name Kuza asked her with a toothy grin,it was a good look and him one he should most definately fashion more often.Georgina wasn't sure of her feelings regarding the tall alternative man who she had spent many weeks in a cramped bus with, she liked her but she didn't want to consider a relationship with him,she likes things the way it is and with all this change happening it was nice to have something stable in her life.she saw Kuza as more of a brotherly figure even though after that kiss they had shared on the night of the show she was starting to re-consider her choices and labels,she liked him in more of a romantic way but she wasn't ready to really admit it she wasn't ready to admit it.What if there was someone out there better for her?what if she gets with Kuza and her night in shining armour finally turns up?is Kuza her night in shining armour? or was he just another step to climb? so many questions so little answers one thing she was certain on though was that Kuza wasn't just some fling or whatever people call it nowa days,he was definately more to her but she didn't not what,crush? friend? authoritive figure? someone to look upto? she wasn't sure on much and all these questions make her head spin in an uncomfortable way so she tends to keep them to the back of her mind with all her other thoughts thatare pounding on the gates of ther mind begging to be set free.

''Huh,Sorry?''She shook her head clear of all these thoughts and focused back on the questuion at hand which was,what was the question?,''what do you think of the Iron Man trilogy?''He repeated her questions,she shrugged at the meaningless question even though it was a topic she'd usually be jumping at,''Personally my favourites out of all the marvel movies and comics''she simply answered as if it was just another opinion,one thing about Georgina is that she is very opinionated if you asked her something she'd have an answer,her favourite avenger? she had the answer,What did she think of One Direction's predicament with Zayn leavin? she had an answer but she usually kept that subject at bay as she would end up hurting someone.''What's up?you always love talking about Iron Man''Sofia perplexed,her eyebrows knitting together in confusion and concern for her taller blonde friend,''Oh,nothing''She shook it off and smiled,the same smile she had been wearing for a while now,the one that would break at any moment,she was getting weaker and it was getting visible.Sure she felt better for showing people the real her but there were bigger more superior issues she coudn't bare to face like the Kuza situation and going on tour,she didn't last the whole tour what if that happens again?it wasn't important before as she didn't go anything apart from help with tech and merch but now she has a following of her own it matters,every show counts and she shoukd try her best.When you were younger did your parents and teachers tell you that it didn't matter as long as you tried your best? well that's bullshit.If you have a crowd of people to please and you 'try your best' what happens? what if your best isn't in their opinion the best? what if they hate you for 'not trying' even though you try every single day to make them happy because they're the people who mean the most to you.''Just thinking''she finished up her coffee and went to put it in the trash can when someone bumped into her this set her anxiety into a frenzy,as of late she hasn't been her best and she's been having panic attacks and episodes.''I'm so sorry''she pulls at the bottom of her sleeves and bites the inside of her lip,''It's fine,I should've been looking where I was going....''The stranger apologizes in return she looks up to see a tallish blonde girl like herself,''hey I know you from somewhere,aren't you Georginia Francis?''The woman asks,the woman seemed very familiar but she didn't know where she had seen her from....think Georgina!think!,''Yeah that's me''she pulls her sleeves over her hands creating little paw's,''It's really nice to meet you I'm Taylor but you probably already know that''the other girl put her hand out for her to shake,Taylor........Taylor.....wait Taylor Swift is from Pennsylvania.....TAYLOR SWIFT.She has just spilt a latte all over THE Taylor 'queen of pop' Swift,her mind was now in a frenzy,she was talking to Taylor Swift!Taylor knew who she was.

''It's a pleasure to meet you''She took the popular pop princess' hand and shook it steadily,handshakes are like an introduction to a person and I know that sounds ridiculous but think about it; If you shake someone's hand hard they're going to think you're a very controlling person if that makes sense? or if you shake their hand like a maniac well,that one's self explanitory really....back to the main focus of this thought stream;SHE WAS SHAKING TAYLOR SWIFTS HAND!,''You too Georginia,I can call you that right?''Why did Taylor who was much better (in Georgina's mind) than her,why was she recieving such a pleasure like this? today has really turned out to be a surreal day she wouldn't be surprised if she woke up in bed beaded sweat covering her pale face.''You're Taylor Swift you can call me whatever you want''she laughed easily acting as if she wasn't nervous at all,as if this was the most normal thing in the world,''I'll call you GiGi,that cool?''Taylor checked with the aspiring star.''Of course that's fine''A blush creeped onto Georgina's alabaster face.''Great,seeing as mine's all down me do you want to get a coffee?''Taylor offered,this was seriously a once in a lifetime opportunity but she couldn't leave her friends,surely?.This was so conflicted but she made up her confusing mind.''I'll go get my stuff''she smiled at the smily and bright woman who had a now coffee stained dress,Georgina wouldn't doubt the fact that Taylor probably had many more dresses like that.''Guy's I hope you don't mind me ditching you but I'm ditching you''she rushed out quickly collecting her hoodie and her bag,slipping her phone into her back pocket.''Who are you-''Sofia began but the now excited Georgina was already walking to the counter with Taylor Swift leaving the group speechless,''well,I'll be damned''Dani mutters.


Hello , hi ,Yes! I'm back my amazing people's.I know I haven't updated in a month but I am SO sorry.School has started up again ((BOOOOOO!)) but I get to do all my GCSE lessons which means i'm doing Media and I love it so much,atm we're watching Avenger's Assemble which has brought on a raging lady boner for Robert Downey Jr and I'm very obsessed to say the least,he's just a cute lil smol goober and I love him so much.

What did you think about the change in POV thing? I prefer writing like that I guess.....would it be okay if I wrote every chapter like that? please let me know because I just want to make you guys happy and deliver this book to the best of your pleasure and my ability.

So yes,thanks and I'm going.

++ If there's any other RDJ fangirls reading this I'm writing a Tony Stark fanfiction which has been consuming most of my time so if you want to read it it's called; Mr.Stark>>Tony Stark(Iron Man)

Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you think should happen to #GUZA !? Is it bad I kind of ship Georgi with Tyler Joseph even though he's married to meh queen Jenna and I'm auuuughhhh I just love all the smol bean childs 

ahahah but i'm going to end the chapter now for reals,byeeeeeee e


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