The Ghost Of You.

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Title Cred; The Ghost Of You - My Chemical Romance


Today is the day that the tour ends,the show that they're playing is in Scranton so being the amazing friend I am; joking I'm not the best friend in the world.I am going to be attending that show,Chris wanted me to sing with him anyways so I said yes.I told them all that I got signed at Fueled By Ramen and they're so proud of me,I'm proud of myself to be honest,never in 1 million years did I think I'd be signed to a big label that so many of my faves are signed too.

They told me that It's fine with me just covering songs for a while until I can write my own,I have 0 creativity so it's gonna take a while for me to get the hang of writing songs,usually when I collab the others write the songs and I just sing what I'm told to which is easier for me because I'm used to being told what to do.All of my life my dad has been so controlling; Georgina do this! do that! you're going to become this! you're going to go here!.It was so annoying and now I'm kind of glad I;m not with him anymore; I feel free.

''Georgina!''Sofia calls me from across the street,I was just walking up to get a starbucks,because come on I'm just a walking cliche.''oh,hey!''I wave at her,she starts crossing the street.''SOFIA!''I shout as a car comes racing towards her,she quickly runs out of the way and falls into my arms,''that was so close!''she breathes heavily,''did you mother ever teach you to stop look and listen!?''I ask seriously,she shrugs and we walk to starbucks,We order our drinks and sit down in a booth,''so how's the rockstar life working out for you!?''Sofia laughs,''I'm hardly a rockstar Soph!''I sip my hot drink,''asbestos mouth''she jokes,I flip her off.''Georgina!''I hear a familiar voice,''who's that?''Sofia whispers to me,I look over my shoulder and see Dani,''DANI BOY!''I shout a little too loudly earning disturbed looks off of people,Dani picks up his drink and sits down next to Sofia as she moves up the booth.

''Hey! I'm Dani''he turns to Sofia who had a huge grin on her face,''nice to meet you,I'm Sofia''she says with a huge grin on her face,''so what are you doing here? I thought you went back to the UK''I asked,''oh,well my girlfriend left me and took my house so I'm staying with some friends here in Scranton''he tells me,''Oh,that sucks I am so sorry!''I stir my going cold drink with my straw,''oh well,she was a bitch anyways''he shrugs sipping his drink,''so how do you two know each other?''Sofia asks confusion present on her perfect face,''Well,when I was in Cali I kind of got lost and Dani here helped me find Cessca''I explain,her face lightens and she finishes her drink,''are you at the club tonight?''Sofia asks,''no,I took the night off because I am going to see Kuza and Miw perform and also Chris wants me too sing with him''I fiddle with the lid of my cup,''Oh,okay''she looks down,''the club?''Dani repeats,''yeah,we work at a strip club...''I start biting the top of my straw,''wow!''he smirks,''what didn't I give off the stripper vibes?''I joked,''no not really'',''that was a joke dumbass,I only sing''I shrug,''you sing?'',''yeah,I'm signed actually'',''yeah!?who too?'' he asks generally interested,''Fueled By Ramen''I tell him before I throw my cup into the nearest trash can.''now we deffo need to collab!''he cheers and I agree.


''What club do you work at?''Dani asks as we exit the door,''Kittens&Bunnies''I point to the club which was just down the block,''oh,maybe i'll pop in tonight to see you'' he shrugs on his coat,''I'm not in tonight but Sofia here is''I smirk at her,It was so obvious that she was into Dani and I'm sure Dani is into her,''great! I mean- yeah cool maybe i'll find some time''He tries to play it off cool making me crack up laughing,''well bye then''he waves as he walks into his car.''Why didn't you tell me you were friends with Dani Winter-Bates?''Sofia jumps up and down,'' I didn't know that you liked Bury Tomorrow''I put my umbrella up as it starts to rain,''well yeah!''She hits me in the arm playfully,''well,I'll catch you later''she walks across the street over to club,everyone goes early so they can get ready, as for me I should be preparing myself for a show.I could deffinately get used to performing infront of crowds because that's my job basically.Now that I've shown everyone the real me I'm no longer afraid of what they think of me and I don't care if they're judging me because I'm comfortable with just being me and for that reason I'm not going to wear anything fancy for the performance I'm just going to wear black jeans and a black belly top,simple and easy.

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