Georgina White.

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Georgina's POV.

Ahah, they don't know anything, they think im a absent minded do gooder, they couldn't be more wrong, i'm clever,i know how to get what i want, when i want and how i want it given too me, I also know what others like, it's comes naturally to me, like flying comes to a bird, once you know how and you've taken off you don't loose your charm.

I'm Georgina Hope White, the daugther of an international millionaire entrepreneur, everyone thinks im like my dad but I got most of my moms genes, i'm playful and devious, like she was when she was my age, I'm 24 and from Pennsylvania.
I have a weird job that most would frown apon, especially my dad, that's why he thinks I attend University studying law..HAH, no!

I work a local strip club, I don't strip , I walk around half naked serving sleazy men drinks that they have had one too many of, it gets busy where I work , we are quite well known 'Kittens&Bunnies' is the name of the club, we are seperated into 2 groups , Bunnies and Kittens, Duh!

The Kittens strip for the guys and have to wear Kinky cat outfits wherweas The Bunnies have to wear kinky bunny outfits and serve the drinks, we're a quite well known and busy, we've even had our fair share of celebrities; James Cassels and Ben Bruce to name but a few....

''Georgie !?'' my mum shouts from downstairs, she knows about my job and approves, she actuallyworks there some days, shes Manageress.
She started off a Kitten then got promoted to the manageress, she's proud of me getting a job there, as the club have VERY high standards.

''yes mama'' I ask walking through to the kitchen in my bathrobe, I had just had a shower and finised drying my hair.

''Do you want me to drive you to Uni today ?'' she says , Uni is our code word for work,she only calls it that when my dad is in the room,which he hardly ever is as he's mainly at work.

''yes please mama''I kiss her cheek and walk back upstairs to start getting ready, my make up usually takes an hour to do and my hair takes half an hour.


Dad has now gone to work which is 2 hours away so i can get ready into my 'uniform', which is some black lacey underwear and a kinky bunny mask, hense i'm a bunny.
My hair is curly and bleach blonde, i had to re-dye it earlier as my roots were coming through again and boss does'nt approve of that.

''Hun are you ready !?'' Mum asks, I put on a thick long coat so no one can see what i'm wearing because everyone thinks i'm an innocent little girl thats getting a masters degree in law.....they don't need to understand what i do, they can carry on thinking im  a good girl because good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.


''Georgi, they you are, have you heard the news ?'' Sofia asks, she's my bestfriend here, she's a kitten though, she's one of the nicest people you will ever meet here, she's not one of the stook up sluts, she's so kind and bubbly.

''What news?'' i ask, we're in the dressing room so we're aloud to call eachother by our real names, for protection against drunks we have to have a stage name, mines Hope like my middle name, really we just call eachother by our middle names, Sofia's is Maria.

''They're closing off the club tonight because some people rented it out.....i think it's a band or something, if you actually attended the meeting  you would know, it's a good job i'm your friend is'nt it '' she smiles, i think,'no sleazy guys trying to rape me..IM IN !'

''thank you bae, what would i do without you !?'' i kiss her cheek before i re apply my make up....


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