Fifty Four: Close call

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At 8pm exactly, Justin pulled up at Skylar's house and walked up the path to go knock on the door. Just as he was about to, Skylar opened the door and smiled at him.

"Hey." She said, slowly closing the door behind her.

"You and your mom arguing?" Justin whispered, a smile on his face.

Skylar nodded then rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't want me out late." She muttered, leading the way to Justin's car. "Can't wait til I can move out."

"You can always come stay with me."

"And be your and Alfredo's personal chef? No thank you."

Justin smiled and opened the passenger door of his car for her.

"You must admit, staying with us would be awesome: you'd get to see me every day, cuddle every night..."

"Cook every meal..."

"We're not that bad, baby."

"You think so."

"I'd help you cook."

"No, Justin." Skylar got into the car and put on her seat belt.

Justin went to get in too and he started driving as soon as he'd buckled up too.

Skylar turned on the CD player and, in it was Beyoncé's latest album.

She giggled and looked at Justin.

"What? I was in my element." He defended himself.

"With which song? 'Flawless'?"

"Yes, actually. It's a good confidence booster."

"Why would you need a confidence boost?"

"In case I ran into your mom."

Skylar laughed.

"Speaking of your mom," Justin said, "What time do I have to have you home?"

"Whenever." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Justin glanced at her as he drove.

"You're really trying to make your mom come for me." He said.

"My classes start after 10 tomorrow anyway. I checked so... no big deal."

"Oh. Okay." Justin nodded.

They pulled up at a skate park that Skylar had never seen before. It was fenced and well lit with lots of different types of ramps.

Skylar slowly got out of the car after Justin did and she looked around while he got some things out of the boot.

"This is... nice." She said.

"We're probably one of the first people to ever set foot in it." Justin smiled.

Skylar looked at him in disbelief.

"Wait, so it hasn't been opened yet?" She asked.

"Nope." Justin popped the 'p'.

"Justin Bieber, are you crazy? We could get arrested for trespassing!"

"We won't. That's why I asked you to wear your sneakers. And that's why we drove here in my BMW. Speed, baby. Speed." He said.

Skylar shook her head.

"I want to slap you so hard right now." She said.

"A kiss would be better?" Justin winked.

"Justin... this is serious. Do you know how much crap we could get in for this?"

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