Chapter four

Mulai dari awal

"Derrick Moretti!" She shrieked

"Tanya Rossi'" Derrick smiled and stood up to hug her.

"Oh my god. I thought you were still in Detroit." she laughed and kissed him.

I sat there stunned. She just kissed him and he let her. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stared at them. She pulled away and he sat back down. He looked a me as if nothing had happened.

"So, what can I get you two?!' She smiled.

"We'll both have the chicken alfredo." Derrick answered.

"Great! And drinks?" She asked.

"Two cokes," Derrick smiled.

"Okay I'll have that out as soon as possible and be right back with your drinks." She said with a big smile.

When she left I couldn't think of anything to say. I just kept thinking about her kissing him and how normal it seemed.

"So you guys seem... close." I finally stated.

"Yeah, we grew up together." He smiles.

"oh, so she's like a sister to you?" I push.

"Yeah." He mumbles.

"Hey, where's the restroom?" I blurt out.

"Oh...follow that wall and you'll run tight into it." He smiles.

"Thanks." I try to smile.

I go into the bathroom and lean against the sink. I take a deep breath. I like him. It scares me, but I do. I look at myself in the mirror and see something in my eyes I haven't seen in a long time, joy. Which is crazy, cause I just watched him kiss another girl. I should be running away. Instead, I'm walking back to our table. I sit down and smile at Derrick. Our food and drinks were already at the table. He smiled back.


After dinner Derrick and I decided to take a little walk around town. I love living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was the perfect size. We walked down the street. It had gotten kinda chilly. I shivered involuntarily, Derrick took off his suit jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I looked up and smiled.

"It's kinda cold. Do you want to head back?" He asks as he rubs my arms. 

"I don't want tonight to end." I whisper dreamily.

"Me neither." He laughs.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." I groan, embarrassed.

"I'm glad I did." He whispers close to my ear.

I look at my phone and see it's 12:33. Where did all that time go? I lood at Derrick as we walk down the street. He's smiling and looking down at the sidewalk. 

"I have to get home." I say , disappointed.

"Okay, let's head back to the car." He says and places his hand on my lower back.

As we drive back to my house I stare out the window. Tonight was such a good night. I smile to myself. We pull up to my house, Derrick jumps out of the car, runs to my side and helps me out. We slowly make our way towards the front door.

"I had a good time tonight, Derrick." I happily announce as we get to the porch.

"So did I, Whitney." He says and turns to leave.

"Hey, Derrick." I grin.

"Yeah,"He turns back.

"You forgot something," I smirk.

Before he can respond, I lean up onn my tiptoes and kiss him. His lips are softer than thought they would be. I pull myself closer to him and feel his arms loop around my waist. As the kiss ends I push away from him and smile.

"Goodnight, Derrick." I whisper and head into the house.

"Goodnight, Whitney," He replies in a stunned voice.

I close the door and smile. I can't wait to kiss those lips again. With that thought I go upstairs to bed. The last thing I think about as I drift to sleep is the feel of Derrick's lips on mine.

******************Autor's Note**********************

Hey guys!!!! Sorry it took soooooo long!!!!! anyways, i loved writing this chapter!! This chapter's question is,  If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring one person, one object, and one food. what would they be?!  Mine would be in this order, Mountain dew, chapstick, and probably my boyfriend cause he would keep me from dying lol he's smart about those kinds of things lol anyways can't wait to read your answers!!!! Peace out!!!!!!

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