Chapter two

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As I sat in class taking my test, I couldn't get my mind off the tall, dark, and handsome stranger. He was so debonair, from his dark brown hair that just barely falls into his chocolatey brown eyes, to his dazzling smile. IF I was going to find a man to occupy my bed, that one would definitely be at the top of my list. But I'm not, so I should stop thinking about the sexy stranger.

With this thought I went back to my test. I only had three questions left, i sped through them and took my test to the front of the class. After grabbing my bag, i headed out to my car. As I walked i looked through my purse for my keys. i found them, but didn't see my wallet anywhere. where could it be?! I thought back to where i could have lost it. Then i remembered when i dropped my purse. I jumped into my car and drove back to the diner.

i pulled up to the diner and leapt out of my car. I walked over to where I dropped my purse and got down on my knees to look on the ground.

"I thought you might come back here eventually." A deep voice from behind me announced.

I turned to find the very stranger that had been distracting me all evening leaning against my car. He looked just as handsome as he had earlier, he was smiling, which made my stomach flutter just a little bit. I realized I had just been staring at him since he spoke to me. I was still kneeling on the ground. I slowly stood up, unable to take my eyes off this man. Suddenly I realized that i probably looked like a crazy person. Wow Whitney, way to look like a creeper, I told myself.

"Thank you.' I whispered as i walked towards him.

I reached out my hand to take my wallet from him. However my hand remained empty, i looked up to see what he was waiting for, he just smiled.

"So...What's your name?!." He stated as he looked me over.

"W-why?!." I stuttered.

"So i have a name to put to your face." He smiled.

"Hmm...It's Whitney." I begrudgingly replied.

"Whitney...That suits you." He laughed.

"I'm so glad you think so." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Well here's your wallet Whitney." He said handing me my wallet.

"Thank you again." I smiled.

"So...since I found your wallet..." He prodded.

"Yes?!" I groaned.

"Maybe you'd go out with me, as a thank you obviously." He smirked.

"I can't " I stated bluntly.

"Oh, of course you have a boyfriend." He breathed.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." I argued.

"Oh, a husband then." He groaned.

"Nope." I said looking at my shoes.

"A girlfriend?!" He shouted.

"What?! No!!!" I shrieked.

"Oh. Then why can't you go out with me?!" He asked curiously.

"I-I just can't." I demanded and moved to get into my car.

"Hmm...Okay. But this isn't the end, Whitney." He smirked as if accepting a challenge.

I shook my head and got into my car. As i drove away all I could think about was how I never got his name.

******Autor's Note******

Hey Guys!!!! Another Chapter!!! Yay!!!!! This chapter's question is: If You could live anywhere in the whole world where would you live?! I would live in either California or Australia lol can't wait to read your answers!!!!! Hope you liked it!! coomment!!!! Vote if you liked it!!! Peace out!!!!


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