The Haunting Of Molly Wells (Part 4)

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Part 4

I sprung up from my deep sleep I heard a whimper and something hit the floor hard. My eyes scanning the room frantically, my palms sweating, my heart speeding, my whole body was trembling. I felt the cold soft night air brush against my warm cheeks I flew the bed spread over my face and hugged my pillow tightly over my ears as I heard something crawling toward me on the floor of my bedroom. I heard a popping like..dear god...bones. Tears rushed down my face as I felt something touch my leg. Molly! I sprung up screaming. "Get away from me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I was shaking and quivering "molly are you okay?" I looked over and saw the morning light gleaming inside my room lightly kissing my face with beams of glowing yellow rays. "yeah dad im fine just a dream.." "okay well I had to wake you up early to eat a good healthy meal before you went to school today" "okay thanks dad" "now hurry and get ready don't want to be late today" My dad got up from the side of my bed and went downstairs. I went over to my mirror and saw a handprint on it. This handprint was bigger than mine and smaller than my dads. It had a brown tint to it, dirty hands like they've been crawling on the floor. I thought about my nightmare and shudder and threw my hair up into a pony tail fixed my bangs and grabbed my homework from my desk. I smelled the sweet aroma of pancakes and bacon with warm syrup. "Pancakes, my favorite" "Yep now eat up you got to go in 15minutes" I ate my food quick so I could maybe hang out with David before school. "Bye dad see you later oh yeah Im going to stay late after school today, I have a bunch of questions" "Oh okay molly have a good day!" I put my homework into my backpack and drug it outside to find David standing at the bottom of the road. "Good morning cutie pie" I smiled from ear to ear. "Good morning to you too" he was looking just as hot as he usually does, his hair is perfect and he flips it over every now and then it just drives me wild the way he does it. He reached over for my hand, and I looked down at it and put my hand in his, we walked together hand in hand it was like a dream, except there's nothing crawling behind us with the sound of bones cracking. "You look great today molly" "thanks so do you!" I smiled at him and looked into his eyes then he looked away after a moment, looking at his shoes. "You okay David?" "yeah im fine just a bit nervous that's all" he said under his breath. "Nervous? Why?" "Well look at you, your beautiful, and im well im just a guy who never gets girls and when I do they are never as pretty as you" Now he had me blushing and smiling as big as the moon. I stopped and made him look at me and held his other hand and looked into his eyes. "David, your so amazing and if you really think im beautiful thank you, you're a very sweet and genuine guy." He smiled and kissed me. Oh my god his warm lips against mine is just out of this world I closed my eyes and enjoyed being in heaven for a few moments. After we let go I looked at him and smiled widely again. "thank you" " molly?" "yes?" "Will you be my...girlfriend?" I was in shock I only new him for a day but im sure we can talk a lot when we go out. "Yes" I said with a huge smile. He kissed me again and we walked and talked all the way to school still hand in hand, we arrived at Mr. Greys door and hugged then walked in hand in hand with the whole classrooms eyes on us, girls were rolling their eyes at me and huffing. We sat down and I was taking notes while David was looking at me half the time. Then he slid me a note that said Molly bear and a heart by it. That was so cute so I opened it and inside it said

"I love you molly, I know its soon to say that but I do, we are meant to be together it feels like, cant wait till after school xoxo David." I giggled and blushed then I wrote back "Awww David you always can make me smile and I love you too! I cant wait either, see you then love J Molly" I handed it to him then the bell rang I saw him open it up and read it, smile, then stuff it into his pocket. He kissed me on the cheek and whispered into my ear before I left to go to my next class "see you then babe" I hugged him then walked to Second period with the biggest smile on my face. After school I walked into the park walking quickly with the biggest smile on my face I got to the park and my heart dropped I saw David kissing another girl. I dropped my book and he saw me "Oh my god Molly no wait!!" "Just leave me alone, have fun with your new girlfriend" I yelled with tears running down my face I ran away and ran home until I had to stop to breathe nearly chocking on the air and gasping to breathe. I sat down on the side of the walk way and buried my face into my knees and cried for at least half an hour. I heard footsteps behind me but I just thought it was someone walking by, but no it was David. He put his hand on my back and I just buried my face deeper into my knees. "Molly so sorry.." "No your not, just leave me alone" I said chocking on the lump in my throat from crying. "Molly please she kissed me first im sorry!" I got up and walked fast away from him wiping my tears away. I heard him shout from a distance "I love you molly!" I just thought to myself, yeah and you also love that other girl too. I got home and I saw my dad I just avoided him and ran up to my bedroom crying my eyes out until the night fell upon my bedroom casting a shadow on my red teary, blue eyes. I heard a small whimper, I sniffled and heard it again it was coming from underneath me, my bed maybe. I heard a creak in the floor underneath me and felt it shake. My eyes dilated and my heart pounded. I was too terrified to look under my bed to see what was under there, but I looked anyways I heard the whimpers turn into moans and wailings, I slowly pulled my head to the edge of the bed and slowly pulled it down only to see that...nothing was there except for the floor boards of the old house. The crying stopped the shaking ended it was over. But I cant stand to take this anymore I need to find out what happened to my mom. There has got to be an explanation. I went downstairs and went into the back room, not looking for anything but I felt a hard bump in the floor and a small creak also, and the rug, I saw a cellar door I was trembling because my gut feeling told me to go down there but another part of me told me something was down there that I didn't want to see....I needed to, maybe I would find answers about my mom.

The door creaked open and I heard the wind howling against the cellar windows. I stepped down the stairs quietly but every step screeched loudly. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw something scuffle across the floor, maybe a rat. It was pitch black in the cellar, the only light was from the midnight moon. I was looking around the dusty cold basement there was nothing down here except dust. I was walking out when I tripped over a box peaking out by the stairs, I got up from the stumble and took the box to my. I sat it on my bed and stared at it for a moment. Did I really want to know the truth about my mother if it was in this box? I did so I pulled open the cardboard flaps and saw a bunch of pictures notes, and a pink little book that said Diary. On the front. I looked through the pictures first. My mom was beautiful, dark brown hair green eyes and a smile that could brighten the blackest of skies. Tears filled my eyes when I saw a picture of me and my mom when I was a baby, my mom was looking down at me giggling, and I was dressed in a cute little dress with a hat on looking at a duck laughing and holding my hands, at a lake. Then I saw the pink diary sitting on top of some papers. I grabbed it and read the first entry it was dated January 4th 1994 and said....

Part5 soon

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 11, 2009 ⏰

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