Interviewing and Reviewing The Writer's: ElegantAngel

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Dear Reader's, I will post the stories link at the bottom. Just letting you guys know.


Online Name: ElegantAngel

Book Name: With Just One Look

Favorite Thing About Writing: Being able to put my imagination into words for everyone to see

How Long Have I Been Writing: Well i've been writing stories for the past year

Career in Writing: Not yet, no.

Favorite Character: Noah, the little brother.

Basing My Stories: I'm inspired by different writers but mostly Nicholas Sparks but my stories are MY stories from my own imagination.

Basing my Characters: I base them off of people I wish really existed. People I would want to by friends with.

Best thing about writing: sharing my stories with others

worst thing: writers block! it sucks!

favorite book: Kissed By An Angel by Elizabeth Chandler

 With Just One Look is a great sibling story. Their relationship is close, closer than mine and my siblings. Sophie seem's to have gone through a lot in her life, but not as much as her little brother Noah. This is a sad story, and yet, it could be true. I love book's that seem like they could be true and Luke seems to be a nice person. Noah goes through tough hardship's that made me want to cry, almost did too. For you reader's who have yet to read this, Noah has cancer, Leukemia to be exact. To tell the truth, I was so caught up in this story, that (I was playing music at the time, like I always do when I read.) I didn't even hear my music at all! I know I have found a great book when I can't hear the music I'm playing. THIS IS A MUST READ!!


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