New Start

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Its Saturday I should be at home I am so bored. I've been serving customers all day I've had enough! I look at the clock it's 6pm finally my shift is over I go to the staff room and pick up my bag ready to leave. I don't bother to say goodbye to my colleagues I've been working at the music store for two years now. I can't wait to finish studying and own a record label. I get on the bus and go home my name is Leah Adams I am 25 years old and live in Bishop Xavier I've lived here my whole life I get into my house where I live with my mum and my little sister Destiny. My mum is a beautiful woman relatives say I look like her a lot my dad left when I was 10 I still talk with him he just doesn't live with us anymore my not so little sister Destiny is a brat!

She gets on my nerves! "Mum I'm home!" I shout as I get in the house I drop my bag on the floor and kick off my shoes and slump myself on my sofa my mother walks in from the kitchen "hi dear, how was work?" I place my hand up getting annoyed "work, annoying" my mother sits on the arm chair next to me "don't worry dear just carry on with your studies" I grunt thinking about it and fall asleep.

Hours past its 9pm I can hear my annoying sister's voice "Leah, Leah, LEE LEE!" I grunt again "what?" I say she shoves my legs back and forth "wake up! Mum says you have to eat." I slowly open my eyes and look at my sister my annoying teenage sister I remember when she was little following me around the house "Leah Leah!" she would say I remember when she was two years old when I would come home from school she run towards me for a cuddle "Lee Lee!" Now look at her 15 with an attitude I get up and go to the kitchen and serve myself some food and warm it up and sit at the dining table. What am I doing with my life?

I'm studying a social studies course that I don't want to do just to please my parents i really want to do music again i had a record deal once. . . with my friends Gina and Silver in a group called "Brand New" we were like 15-16 years old I still get people come up to me singing our song we weren't that big my mum took me out of the group so that i can finish school then one by one the members left. We only made one song called "Sweet" really stupid song the label were turning us into pop girls and i'm not pop material. . . . but i miss those days.

The microwave bleeps I get up and take out my food the doorbell rings I can hear some voices talking it's my Uncle Ryan my mother's brother he is a business man always finding ways to make money he steps into the kitchen "hello Uncle!" I say and go up to hug him "hey Leah my love." I sit down "come and eat" My uncle grabs a spoon form the drawer and we eat together I continue to eat my food oblivious to everything he and my mother are talking about the only words I hear are "I've joined the music business" I stop eating "music business?" my Uncle nods his head "yes I joined up with an old friend of mine and I'm the head of one side and he runs the other" I finish the food and follow Uncle into the living room to continue the conversation " so uncle you know I need a proper job could I possibly work for you?"

My uncle scratches his chin "doing what exactly?" I sit up "I don't know maybe I can be your assistant?" my uncle scratches his chin "you know what? I'll ask my partner and see if his clients need any ok? I jump up and hug my uncle "thanks uncle!" I run up to my room so excited now I can have a proper job and earn proper money.

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