Getting Ready For Step 3

Start from the beginning

I looked around the circle of them clustered around me. Eve was trying to put up a mob of blonde curls into a neat ponytail, and was failing miserably as tendrils sprung out about her face. Her eyes were locked with mine.

Ava was sitting with her legs crossed, her brown hair and tanned skin contrasting with the white rug. She could have cared less as to who I wanted to dance with. I had already told her about the plan... but I had sworn her to secrecy.

Then there was Karen. I still hated the fact that she wore make-up every day, but I must say that the bronze eyeshadow always made her blonde hair look great. She was playing with her hair now, which meant she was up to something, but I couldn't tell what.

"Um... Would you guys do me a favor?"

"You want us to force you to dance with Derek? Sure, no problem!" Karen said cheerily.

"How did you know that?" I asked Karen, my cheeks blazing.  

She smiled at me smugly. "You accidentally left your "plan" on your desk. I was going to bring it back to you and happened to glance at it..."  Karen twirled her hair and gave me a bright smile. Sometimes she acted like the devil.

"Would you mind?" I said, looking at the others.

"Natalie, you know that we want you and Derek to get back together! Everyone does!" Ava told me, and the other two girls nodded fervently in agreement.

"Not everyone," I said as I told them about my encounter with Hannah and you-know-who.

"Oh my gosh, seriously?! That's horrible!" I heard another voice say. A girl with auburn hair wearing a pretty gown nudged her big skirt through the doorway. We all got up and hugged our other best friend.

"Geena, you look amazing!" Ava squealed. And she was right. Geena had on a beautiful lilac colored dress that had sparkles on the incredibly puffy skirt. Her hair was done up in a tight bun with pieces of curled hair purposely hanging down.

"Yeah, Geena, you're going to be dancing all night with all the boys swarming around you!" Karen said, and Geena blushed crimson.

"Sit!" I said, and Eve moved over to make room for Geena in our circle.

"We were just about to do up Natalie! Wanna help?" Eve said. I shook my head.

"I think I'll just throw on a dress and straighten my hair, that's all."  Geena booed with mock displeasure and Ava gently slapped my face, a smirk playing across hers.

"Of course you are going to do something special! How else will Derek fall madly in love with you?"  Eve snorted at the love part, but I could tell she wanted me to get all fancy too. 

"Now, lets see the dress you brought along." I pulled out my bag and found the box. Opening the box, everyone oohed and ahead over the silk material. The dress was pink with roses encircling my waist. It had no straps, but the ribbon when tied tightly helped to keep it up.

"Natalie, get into that dress! Everyone but you has their outfit on!" I sighed and walked to the bathroom, putting on the dress.

It swished around me  - but my skirt wasn't as big, and the material only fell a little bit past my knees. Still, the skirt looked just the right on me. I could tell by everyone else's reactions that they loved it too. "Natalie! That dress looks so freaking good on you! It fits perfectly... Where did you get it?" Ava exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, it was a present for my birthday this year, and I haven't worn it yet because it was a little too big at the time."

"It does look good!" I heard Eve say, and I could tell she was contemplating whether her dress was better or worse than mine. I smiled at her, and she finally gave up.

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