Fire to liquid

11 1 0

I see fire I see flames

I see the devil playing his games

Hear no evil speak no evil

You have to be blind not to see this

 There's no hero syndrome

There's no vigilante justice

It's just the all consuming heat

And smoky oxygen 

And the stinging fact 

that we burn

I'd rather a hurricane

Than the smell of singed hair

So why don't you help me?

Why not help yourself?

Come with me and 

Bring on the thunder 

Bring  on the pain

Bring on the lightning 

Let's rain cain


I don't think the title fits the poem, but I'm having trouble thinking of anything else (plus it sounds cool {I was also thinking about "Hellfire to Bloodstorm" But that sounds ridiculously edgy [but this poem is ridiculous too so maybe it would work better]})

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