Thank you

13.5K 188 8

hi guys, thank you so much for reading Texts, and honestly I can't believe it's gotten over 100 reads already. you guys are really the greatest. I hope to take this story far :) much love. xoxo

Today we reached over 300 reads! I honestly cannot begin to express my happiness! I wrote this book with the intention of it getting like 12 reads, but they have been going up fairly fast, and for that, I can only thank you! :)
much love. xoxo

The day has come: 600 reads. i just barely had time to process 500 before i was hit with 600. thank you all so much! much love. xoxo

Today we reached 1k reads and all i can say is thank you so much for this
:) it's honestly been an honor to have written this story for you guys. much love. xoxo

7k was reached today, and i feel really proud. This book was all made possible by you guys, so keep voting and reading and commenting and sharing. Love you guys. much love. xoxo

12 freaking thousand reads has been reached! Honestly you are all amazing and I'm so shocked! I never in a million years would have guessed 12k could have been reached on this stupid short story. Thank you. Much love. Xoxo

17k. Today we hit 17k! You guys are so amazing you don't even understand. This will probably be my last thank you note because i don't want people to hate me too much for always thanking you for reading. But um, yeah. Just thanks for everything. I love you guys. Much love. Xoxo

GUYS ITS BEEN A OVER YEAR SINCE THIS BOOK CAME OUT AND WE HAVE 258K READS I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE. (ignore that last thank you cus I am thanking you again OK) In this past year we've gotten so many reads, votes, comments, and translations I don't even know what to do with myself. I love you all to death and thank you for taking the time to read this shit book. Much love. Xoxo

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