6. [24]

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Everyone came back to school after the break. Draco and Harry went around together, holding hands as if they were each other's anchor.

They found it funny how people were not shocked at their sexuality but the fact that they were enemies.

They were at the library and a fifth year came in to pass Harry a letter.

"Dear Harry Potter,
Please come to my office once you receive this letter.
(albus severus)
Yours sincerely,
Professor McGonagall

"It's Professor McGonagall. See you later," Harry said before giving Draco a peck on his lip before going to the place where Dumbledore once inhabited.

He had gussed the password was 'Albus Severus' when he read the letter. He walked in the room to find Professor McGonagall pacing around the room.

"Harry. Have a sit... I have received news saying that death eaters are planning an attack on Hogwarts. The very start of next month. With Dementors. They somehow managed to control the Dementors just like the Dark Lord did. This is yet another war for you," she said.

Harry paused before answering.

"No. No. The previous one has not ended. We need to train fourth to seventh years to fight. If not, we would have no defense."

"Yes, indeed. The plan will be that Divination lessons will be cancelled and replaced by another double period of defense against the dark arts, taught by you. You will be teaching them how to attack while Professor Raeken will be teaching them defense skills."

Harry nodded and walked out, thinking about the war.

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