The End Of The Beginning

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^^Princess Maria's outfit^^
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"You're Majesty, please get in the helicopter fast. We have absolutely no time! They're really close."
I immediately get in, as the helicopter takes off; that's when the firing goes off and I see one of my favourite care-takers Carl being shot. Oh my God, he was supposed to take care of me once I reach my destination .
What now ?
I look down at my now ruining empire, the place I called home, the people, my own. Almost all dying in a jiff.
I wonder how someone can be this cruel, this harsh? I wonder how someone could kill so many just for some money?
I know how that pig of a person killed my mother last month. My loving mother who always cared for our Empire and never hurt a fly.
Tears roll down my eyes as I say a silent goodbye to my empire, all the memories I've had here since birth rushing through my mind.
I hope I get to come back here sometime soon.
The people here loved me so much, they risked all their lives just to save me.
I'll forever be grateful to them.
I get off the helicopter and then I'm taken by a car to a very isolated storehouse kind of a thing.
"You'll have you're make-over done here, Princess Maria." Says my trusted driver Henry who's probably in his late 40's.
"Henry, what am I going to do now that Carl is dead? He was supposed to take care of me in New York City, if I'm not mistaken?" I ask him with sorrowful eyes.
"Don't worry, his death was just an act. He'll be at the safe house, just fine." Replies Henry with a bright smile.
"Alright, thank you." I reply as I walk into the storehouse only to be greeted by a chaos of women with clothes and other make-over necessities here and there."
One women pulls me and says, "You're majesty, nice to meet you I'm Freya and I'll be happy to help you with you're make-over." Says Freya a very tall, gorgeous blonde lady with a dazzling smile.
"Nice to meet you too Miss.Freya."
"Mr.Williams has told me exactly what has to be done to you're hair and dress code so let me lead you." Says Freya directing me towards a make-up station.
7 hours later after I've tried on way too many clothes to find my perfect style and a lot of make-up lessons and hairstyles Freya finally walks me to the mirror.
I look at my reflection and just can't believe that the princess whose spent her life in gowns can actually manage the city-girl look so well. In fact, I really did like how they dyed a strand of my hair purple. Overall I think I looked like a completely different human being. Not the same gentle person I was.
Sometimes you just have to turn into a different person to protect yourself.
"So, do you like it?" Freya asks me with a slight nervousness in her tone.
"Thank You Miss.Freya. The outcome is delightful. " I reply back with a smile.
"Now about that, we'll be training you how to blend in too."
"Training?" I ask.
"Yes, you'll have to work a little with you're Speech so we're sure that you're identity remains hidden in the city. Maybe a few teenage slang here and there will do the trick. Come with me, we don't really have much time so, yeah." Replies Freya as I follow her into a tent which had a lot of learning material scattered around. I hate messy.

Learning how to "blend in" with the crowd was harder than I thought. Apparently teenagers today can't make a proper English sentence. And so many new words have been added to the dictionary of theirs that they call 'slang'. English is my mother tongue but never would I have thought that I'd be needing lessons at it.
And Freya specially added in her lecture that it's alright to be arrogant there. I wonder what she means? Am I stepping into a completely different world ? How can the things be so different there?
Anyways, 4 hours later, I'm sitting in my helicopter next to Henry flying to the city that according to Freya, never sleeps.
I have no idea what she meant by that either but she told me that I'd figure the answer sooner or later.

My life has changed so much in the past 24-hours and will be changing much more in the next few hours too.
I just hope I'm able to hold up my mask and blend in. I wonder what the future beholds. However I can almost see my world collapsing right before my eyes and I'm not ready to begin again.
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"Sometimes what may seem like the end might just be the beginning. "

Just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be adding a quote at the end of every chapter which will relate to the chapter itself.
Also the quotes are taken from else-where and I do not own them. Xoxo ~S

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