Chapter 1

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Familiar smells of food, people, and plastic filled the air. Typical airport smells. My mom and I used to travel a lot for fun. But this time, I was in the airport for a different reason. 

I didn't want to go. I loved living with my mom. Then my mom got fired from her job. So we were broke. I had no choice but to move in with my dad all the way in California. So here I stood at the tall airport windows, clutching my small purple purse that my mom gave me on my 13th birthday. I was wearing black yoga pants and a green sweater, which is what I wore whenever I went on a trip. My dad was already 3 hours late, just like my mom said he would be. I fumbled through my bag for the extra cash that my mom had insisted I take with me. It was her last payment, and she wanted me to keep it, even though our apartment bills were overdue. I pulled out a 5-dollar bill and headed over to a small snack store. I was tired, hungry, and cranky. Scanning the chip shelves, I tried to imagine what my dad would be like. Was he some kind of scary motorbike dude? Was he a thief? Was he a Sci-Fi nerd? I picked up a bag of barbecue chips, trying to push my thoughts away. "Good afternoon. Can I help you?" A short gray-haired lady said, at the same time adjusting her pink apron she was wearing over a gray dress. Who knew you got this kind of service in an airport? ", I'm good, thanks. Um, where do I pay for this?" The lady pointed to a tall man at the cashier.  "Right over there, dearie!" She said, grinning widely. I forced myself to smile back, and walked over to the cashier to pay.

I felt a hard tap on my shoulder. I spun around, so frightened that I dropped my chips. "Oh, let me get that for you.", said a big and chubby man with blonde hair and green eyes, just like me. "I didn't mean to frighten you.  I'll pay for these, and then we'll go on home, eh?"

Ms. GigantelliWhere stories live. Discover now