I watched as my brother waltzed off talking about going to see the love of his life while I licked my bottom lip contemplating activities for the day. I found myself in my room wiping my make up off I had applied to go out in public in and slipped on a pair of track pants and a halter, pulling my unbrushed hair in a messy pony tail and threw myself on the couch in our living room. Today I was going to relax and do nothing! It seemed long overdue and I felt like I needed to unwind. There's been so much stress and anxiety weighing me down that as soon as my head hit the soft couch and the tv was on I drifted into a restless sleep.


My relaxation time and nap didn't last long. I soon found myself showering and getting dressed to go into work. Despite wanting to relax, after a call from my secretary about a business proposal that needed to be reviewed when the weekend was over, I couldn't sleep again and I couldn't sit still. I should have known that I couldn't relax, honestly, I don't know if I know how to. My life is one giant schedule, everything is planned, everything is structured, I even treated shopping like it was a job.

So sitting in a business suit after spending my day in the office at a restaurant with my brother the next day was treated like a job as well. I observed the waitress that wiped her nose on the sleeve of her work shirt and carried on working. I watched as the lecherous manager swept his predator like eyes over his staff, his eyes lingering in the wrong places. I sneered in distaste, this place could hardly be called a three star establishment and this was the place Lyndon had chosen? I looked at my watch and tapped a finger on my thigh impatiently, I could have done so much work in the half an hour we had been waiting for this girl to show up. I sighed and tried to refrain from using the sharp words begging to slip from my mouth. My irritation wasn't at him or this place, I had gone into work today only to be pulled into a conference room with the head of Human relations.

Our head HR, despicable man he was, Allan Scott was an open chauvinistic pig. He had spoken down to me and turned to my father attempting to talk him out of handing me the company. His honey covered words dripping with his distaste and doubting my father's judgement. It left a bitter venom on my tongue and despite my father putting Allan in his place it left a sour taste in my mouth. My mood for the day had been ruined by his sheer disrespect towards my father and I. How dare Allan think that my father would choose gender over blood. I took a deep breath and looked at my brother, he seemed anxious, I'm sure he could sense my bad mood from a mile away. I put a hand over his and gave it a slight squeeze. I needed to try be nice and couldn't really do that with a constant glare on my face.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose

My brother pulled away from my hand and I felt his presence leave as he walked to his little bombshell. The couple were murmuring and whispering, most likely about her tardiness. Finally opening my eyes I looked at the younger girl. Her hair was wavy and sticking out in many places, Her clothes thrown on haphazardly and she was void of any make up. She had grey eyes and blonde hair, it looked shiny and sleek, in slight beach waves it curled past her hips.

I cleared my throat and rose a perfectly sculptured eyebrow at the pair. My brother let out a strangled cough and ushered her forward. From behind his girlfriends back he gave me a glare, I tipped my head toward him in a gesture of understanding. The girl took my hand in both of hers shaking it furiously.

"O.M.G! You know, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you! I've heard so much about you in school and from Lyn.-" She surprised me by how quickly she was speaking, if I wasn't used to listening to talk like this I would have been confused. As far as I'm concerned she's said nothing with substance as of yet "-Oh dear me, I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Olivia Helix."

The Billionaires Revenge. [Needs Edit. Complete]Where stories live. Discover now