"Yea, probably. But I think he'll come back. If we accept him as a mate."

"No, I don't think I can do that."


"Do you know how many times we have been bullied and he was right there and did nothing?"


"You had to heal me so many times, and we are still left with the scars."

"I know. But this time we are different. You are not the weak Sydney, you are the strong Red who killed a werewolf when you hadn't even turned yet. Who is faking being Sydney. no more Acting weak."

" There's a reason why I have to be Sydney but Your not like other female wolves are you. You are the best wolf a person could ask for. I feel sorry for the wolf that Taylor orders around."

"I know. But there is a way to extract that wolf and put it into another person, who lost their wolf."

"I never knew that, lets save it for another time. We are here."

"Talking to your wolf?" Mark asked.

"Yea, Inside discussion." He smiled.

"So you'll tell me about this 'bully' thing later?" He asked

"Yea, I'll have to get it out anyways." I looked at him, before we knocked and entered into the Alpha's office.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

The first glance it took at Jack, I breathed in. He looked old and tired, and its only been a week. He was concentrated, focused and looking really tired and what-ever you may call it. I saw the growth from  a teenager idiot to a man. Jack used to be so care-free and now look at him.

Don't mind me I still think he is a stupid idiot. Jack looked up. I could see a spark in his eyes, when his eyes looked at me. Then the spark disappeared, and a sad smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, Sydney. Why are you here?"He sighed.

"I came back to join the pack." I said.  He looked up as hope sparked in his eyes.

" His wolf is coming back."

"I can tell"

"And this is my friend Ben, he is here also with me." Jack looked at Mark and nodded.

"Why would you come back?" he said looking at me.

"Had nowhere else to go." He sighed as he unconsciously ran his hand through his hair. 

 "I'll gather the pack tomorrow so we can officially connect you guys via the mind link." He said. I nodded.

"Thank you Alpha." I bowed my head slightly and so did mark. Mark still had his Alpha powers but he suppressed his aura, so nobody knew. If they did he would be kicked out. They say Alpha's don't like to bow down to anyone because of their pride, but sometimes to save their lives they would have to and Mark is doing so. Mark and I left the building shortly after, as the Alpha had more things to do, like make sure their territory was checked daily and stuff.

"Where will we stay?" Mark asked questioningly.

"Where we parked our bike until the Alpha can find us some place to stay." I told him and he nodded, then we proceeded to walk the whole ten minutes back. I first stopped and showed Mark around the place, where to buy food to eat when we didn't have a pack dinner (even though i was barely ever invited to those), where some of the hotels where. where the school was, and other things. When night set and the stars came twinkling out, me and Mark slept on the floor of the broken down house, with the thin blanket. When the sun broke through,  Mark and I again went to the Alpha's house.  I was kinda hoping to see him, kinda. Me and Mark were offered food, we were famished, we gulped it down, like our lives depended on it, which it did. People who saw us eat would believe we were never well fed till now.

We were given clean clothes and a bath and surprisingly rooms were given to us. When I got to my room, I instantly jumped on the bed like I've never seen one before. I never stopped jumping till I got dizzy. Mark was smiling the whole time.  Around seven we were called to the  pack meeting,  the whole wolf pack was there. The wolves who recognized me shook their heads with disgust and when they looked at Mark, their faces turned to normal. Most of the girls when they saw him pulled their dresses down to show more cleavage. Desperate to have someone I guessed.I rolled my eyes. Alpha Jack was in a meeting so the Beta now Duke if I remember correctly, he introduced Mark and well me again. I was a bit disappointed that Jack couldn't be here. Just a bit though.

Mark got friendly with the other guys, while the girls where desperately trying to get his attention. Mark although in his early 30's was still handsome. Duke came up to me and smiled.

"You know, Jack really is regretting what he did, so much that he's even changed for the better." He said looking at the stars that were just starting to show.

"Yea, I noticed." I said also looking at the stars.

"He hasn't been the same care free guy you know. He doesn't seem to want to talk to many people from the pack anymore, except me and Josh."

"I can see that happening." I replied.

"I know he really missed you and he promised himself if he had a second chance with you he would take it." He said this time looking at me.

"I can't do that, he doesn't know who I really am."I say looking at him.

"Then let him know." He said

"I can't or he'll really dislike me." I said.

"so you actually care?"

"Much more than I planned for." I honestly said. I don't know why but Duke was easy to talk to. Duke smiled.

"You know your one of the only girls I'll actually give respect too. You can take a beating and not cry."

"I know, because they never lived like me." He nodded.

"You found your mate?" I asked.

"Yea, a long time ago." he said with a sad smile.

"Who was it?"

"Taylor,and she knew, yet she still went with Jack. I can't forgive Jack sometimes really,though he didn't know, but I know I can't ever forgive Taylor for knowing we were mates."

"I'm am truly sorry, but now she's after Ben. If she touches him, I don't think she live. She already touched my mate and half another dozen people but not Ben. His mate is gone, and I don't think Taylor is good for his mind."

"What happened to his mate?" Duke asked.

"Now, that story is not for me to tell." I said.

"Don't let Taylor near him. That's all I ask." He said his eyes full of hurt.

"I'll try with all my power not to let her get even 2 inches near him." I said. He nodded and smiled.

"It was nice talking to you Sydney." Duke said.

"Call me Red." He smiled and shook hands. I looked at Ben. Now all I have to do is make Taylor want Duke and for Duke to want her, so she can stay away from everyone else.


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