|Jericho Valley High School Prom 2013: "Dancing In The Moonlight"|

Start from the beginning

Soon enough it was 2:00 and I was already back in the school parking lot. I said bye to Robert when I got off the bus, and Ivy came with me to pick up our Prom Dresses. As we were driving to the store she started to complain, "I'm starting to have second thoughts about going...I'm gonna look stupid." I looked over at her, "What? how?" she looked at her belly.."I'm not letting you miss prom just because you're pregnant." she sighed and rubbed her belly, "Are you and Josh gonna match?" she smiled.."Yea he got his tux yesterday.." "That's good." "Are you and Robert gonna match?" I laughed..."He brought that up to me too....but it's not like we can go as a couple like you and Josh, he is a teacher ya know." "Oh yea...soo what are you guys gonna do?" I pulled into the store parking lot, "He is going as a Prom chaperone...teachers were picked to do that and he volunteered so that he could use that as an excuse for going." Ivy laughed, "Oh shit, you guys are gonna get your juke on?" I unbuckled my seatbelt and laughed, "Noo way in hell."

We picked up our dresses and I fell more inlove with my gown...it was perfect..and I'm not even a dressy kind of girl, but I couldn't wait to get in that dress. Ivy's dress was gold with diamonds on the sleeves, it didn't make her belly stick out even more which was good. When I dropped Ivy off at home I got a text from Robert, I smiled

I laughed at his reply and drove home. I showed my dress to my mom and she started getting all emotional..I told her to save it for Friday and she rolled her eyes at me.

-3 days later-

Today is basically the last day that we have in our classes, because since tomorrow is Prom night, Seniors don't have to come to school..and Sunday is Graduation..I can't believe the end of my high school career is here.

I was sitting at lunch bored as fuck when Ivy came over to me..."Are you going to the cabin after prom?" she asked as I took a bite fro my nutella sandwhich. "I'm not sure, are you?" "Nah..the babys coming soon, I don't wanna take any chances you know?" I smiled "That's true..are you guys excited?" We both looked over to Josh who was standing around talking to some guys at a different table. The way she looked at him, I could tell she was inlove.."Yea.." she said while smiling at him.."Things are actually stable for once in my life...getting pregnant has actually opened my eyes to how fucking reckless I was dude...smoking and selling pot, getting drunk..partying all the time..random hookups..I didn't give a fuck about anything...not even my own life and now I have this other life to raise...it's crazy." "You're gonna be a great mom Ivy..and maybe this is the way things were supposed to be you know like destiny?" she nodded.."Yea I believen that."

As I was walking to Robert's class Chris stopped me in the hallway, "Hey Amanda, how's that foot?" "It's getting better I'm not gonna be on my crutches tomorrow or Sunday so it'll look like I'm limping...alot." I smiled, "Well that's good to hear..so I'll see you at prom?" I furrowed my eyebrows.."I'm going as a Chaperone." he said reasonably..and I nodded, "Oh? So is Mr. Downey, well then yea I'll see you there tomorrow." "Nice, I'm sure you will look stunning." he said with a smile as he walked away, I smiled abit to myself as I continued to walk to 4th period. When I got there Robert was setting up the t.v. As everyone sat down and he finished setting it up he started clapping a bit, "Alright everyone....Hey...HEY!" everyone quited down and looked at Robert. He smirked, "So there are like 5 movies here you guys can choose what you want since it's your last day...unless you failed, then sucks for you..so here we go." he lifted the first DVD box and showed it around, "Raise your hands if you want to watch 'Radio'." ..no one raised their hand, he rolled his eyes, "Wow no-type of taste in movies here I see, sorry Cuba." he said as he looked at the case and set it down, everyone laughed.."Ok how about this one?" he raised up 'The Addams Family Values' and everyone raised their hand..including me, he looked at us all, "Are you kidding me? Ya know what...I shouldn't be suprised." he turned around and put the DVD in and sauntered back to his desk, he leaned back in his chair and threw is feet up and over his desk. Everyone just watched the movie until the end of the period, I enjoyed it,I always loved The Addams Family. As I filed out of the room with everyone else, I looked over at Robert and he blew me a kiss and gave me a exagerated wink, I just stuck my tongue out at him and left.

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