Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Larissa's P.O.V.

Finally, the day has come. The day Luis and Nikki were coming to New York. Nervousness was etched on Chris' face as he continuosly tapped his feet on the concrete floor. If I wasn't a patient girlfriend, I would have smacked his head. However, Jeremy did the deed for me - or should I say, us. 

"Dude, quit it. So your brother-in-law is coming. Big deal!" Jeremy huffed, not noticing the glare that Mia was shooting in his direction. 

Chris simply rubbed the back of his head. Clearly not listening to a word Jeremy was saying because his chocolate brown eyes were locked on the arrivals area. Even the hand I was holding was sweat slicked but I refused to let go. Instead, I held on tighter and caused one of his blue veins on his wrist to pop out. "Chris," I said soothingly while rubbing gentle circles to the back of his hand. 

Then, he did look away from the arrivals and glanced down at me. I gave his hand another squeeze and smiled up at him. He cupped my cheek with one hand and started to lean down. My eyes slipped close easily. 

1. . .2. . .3. . .Okay! This was taking too long. 

I popped one eye open and saw Chris' fear stricken face. My eyes travalled to the same direction his eyes were fixed on. There they were. A man with midnight black hair and a girl on his shoulders were walking in our direction. 

"I'm guessing that's them?" Jeremy asked quietly, stealing quick glances between Chris and I for an answer. I nodded wordlessly. Both my eyes had opened all the way, now locked only on the man and girl.

This was how it came to be. Mia, Jeremy, Chris and I stayed rooted in our places. Not daring to move a muscle. 

The man and girl were blocked from our sight as Chris' dad walked up towards them and gave them each a big hug. The man smiled back at Dad and hugged him back. The girl had her head cocked to the side in confusion. If it weren't for Chris, I would have burst into tears. That girl, standing there with her pigtails and big brown eyes, never got the chance to meet her mother. I knew I was damn lucky to have known my father before he died but I still felt my heart constrict at the sight of the little girl. 

She was barely a girl actually. More like an infant but with eyes like mine, you could spot out the hints of understanding and headstrong character implanted in her. Must have been her father's doing. Just then, I felt a warm hand slip into mine. I blinked my eyes a few times and glanced up at Chris. His attention was very much on me as he lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss while mumbling inaudibly, "It's okay."

My lips pulled up into a smile as my head bobbed up and down in a nod. He smiled back at me. Our intertwined hands fell between us as our eyes strayed back to the people we have been waiting for. 

Only this time, the girl skipped towards us with a gleeful smile plastered on her face. 

Chris knelt down with me just as the girl collided into his chest with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Chris stiffened, his eyes looking straight ahead and his hand was still trapped in mine. The girl buried her head deeper into his neck. Chris relaxed instantly as he too wrapped his huge arms around the girl and placed her on his lap. His hand never let go of mine. 

Chris and the girl pulled away from each other but the girl kept her arms around his neck as she cocked her head to the side in an adorable manner. 

"Uncle - Chris?" she asked while dragging her words a little. Her huge brown eyes were glinting like disco balls. 

Chris smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "Yup. Nikki, right?" Chris played along with her guessing game. A smile tilted up my lips as I shook my head at their theatrics. 

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