Who's back?!

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Levi's pov:
More than half of our people are dead...
All these Titans...their killing way too fast... It's been 2 months ...Eren must of forgotten me already...I hope so... "we have to keep moving!" Shouted Erwin, then Hanji said,"awe! I'm not gonna be able to catch a Titan!" "Seriously I don't know how your still alive" "Levi don't tell me that!!!" I chuckled.. Well at least we all didn't die quickly... Then I felt something pet my ears and it was Hanji "are you sure he lost hope in you?" "No more like he forgot me by now" she gasped and said,"no! He can't forget us we talked all the time and how could he forget that we raised him!! Most of us fighters talked a lot with him!" "He should be my age by now" "really?! Well you have changed captain you've gotten more kawaii! Nekos are so cute!" "Shut up shitty glasses!" "Ok.." Then we kept riding by horse into the forest.. We made it to the snow area and we have to get out fast! It more dangerous here! Dam it!...

Mikasa's pov:
Oh Levi when will you come back?! Eren is already 16 years old... Common Levi I know your alive!!! I'll tell you Eren's problem when you come! "What are you doin staring so hard at me for?" "Oh sorry I just couldn't help but think you'll soon be older than me, it isn't fair!" Then he just laughed at me and said,"wells dog grows up fast so do wolves!" "True" he really thinks I took care of him...all these years... "Hey Mikasa I've been having strange dreams of a cape that had the wings of freedom crest on it and it walks away from me..." "Oh wow" "I know right.,. It's weird and is been bothering me" he remembers slowly his past with Levi but he denies it.. I'm sorry Eren I can't tell you until I tell Levi first! I miss him too.

Eren's pov:
I'm growing fast... I don't mind it though. Lately I've been having these dreams..,there would be somebody with the wings of freedom cape on walking away from me and I wold be saying softly "...Please Don't Go..." I'm not sure why though. I feel like I know that person but I don't at the same time. I feel like the person is someone special to me but who? Mikasa isn't in the wings of freedom. So who?i asked her or told her my dream hopefully she would tell me but she didn't say anything that was helpful...

Levi's pov:
Dam it's almost been another month! Shit! We have to hurry up before those Titans come back again for more meat.. Dam...
(5 hours later)
We haven't stopped moving on and the Titans are catching up looks like we'll have to go into the forest. "Levi were almost there tell that to everyone..were not going in there there are to much in there..." "Alright" I went and told everyone and they all seemed to freak out knowing there are much more in there...Titans more of them in the dam woods.. Shit if we don't hurry they'll be a 3rd ambush! Shit, dam it! We can't give up now... The horses are tiered... We're almost there..just a little further hang in there Mikasa...Eren..., dam were going through wall Maria but there are to many Titans... A 3rd ambush...we squad leaders had to attack this time too...finally the gate of wall rose opened..,we're finally in..safe and sound..hell yeah...

Mikasa's pov:
I heard they came back.. Omg.. I have to go see them.. I ran out of the house followed by Eren and then we finally made it but we were to late they already went to their place... I still got an excuse.."hey Eren I need to go buy veggies" "eww!" "Yeah and if our coming you'll be my taste tester" "eww no then I'm not coming!" "Please!" "No!" He ran away then I quickly ran to where the soldiers are... I saw Levi he grew more..."Levi!!! Hanji!! Erwin!!" They turned to me and seemed happy.. "Mikasa!" Levi said my name which made me cry.. I though I was never gonna hear him say my name ever again... "Levi your back" "yeah.." "What's wrong" "more than half of the people(formation) got wiped out" "wow but your ok right?!" "Yeah" "Levi I need to talk to you!" "Ok" we walked to a room where we can privately l talk..."Levi Eren hit his head and he forgot most of his memories with you" "well..." "Levi! He doesn't even know who you are!!!" "It's ok" "no it's not! He thinks I raised him!!!" "That's good" "Levi what's wrong with you!!" "Listen Mikasa it's better for him to think that he already feels good living with you and me coming in all of the sudden is just gonna knock his course off" "your right... But when do I tell him?" "Whenever you feel like it's time to tell him" "ok" we hugged and then said our goodbyes and left. I walked home and got some veggies so Eren wouldn't suspect anything. "You took way to long!" "No I didn't" "yes you did!" "Well fine I did but I didn't have my taste tester with me so what was I supposed to do?" "Oh..."

(1 year later)

"Hey Eren?" "Yeah Mikasa" do you know who captain Levi is?" "Yes he's humanity's strongest being!!!" "Oh so you do know who he is" "of course and one day I'm going to be in his squad... Oh and I'm going to meet him one day!" "So you don't know how he looks like?" "I've herd he has cold eyes and glares that scares the shit out of people.. Other than that no" "hmm" "we're gonna meet him one day Mikasa! That I promise you" he's 20 years old now...I can tell him now. "Eren.., do you remember anything from the past?" "Not much why?" "You say you're gonna meet Levi one day right?" "We're gonna meet him..and yes I did what about it?" "We...Already did" there was silence..."w-what are you talking about?! We haven't met him!?!" "Eren it's time you know" "know what?!" "When you were little about age 5 someone took you in" "yeah it was you thanks Mikasa!" "No it wasn't me" "w-wait what?" "Someone took care of you from age 5 to age 13.." "It was you right?!" "No..one day they left for a perfect reason and you were so sad For such along time..you went to a pond where you first met the person and you slipped and hit your head.." "Wait what?!" "You woke up and had memory loss... We couldn't restore them so you forgot about the person that raise you for more time than me.." "What Mikasa I don't understand" "ever since then you believed that I raised you but your wrong." "Then who raised me?" "It was...My brother..." His eyes widened as mine filled with tears. He then said,"who's your brother?!" "The person that raised you..." "Mikasa... You never told me you had a brother" "well I'm telling you now and..," "please tell me who took care of me then" "the person who raised you for most of your time is...C-captain L-Levi..." I started crying but then Eren said,"your telling the truth, I can tell because your crying..." "...yeah..." "So your saying I was raised by captain Levi?" "Yes" "and he's your brother?" "Yeah" "...that's awesome!!!" My eyes widened..he isn't mad?!..."I can't believe that I was raised by humanity's strongest being!!! Wait...." E finally realized?!... "Why did he leave me though?!" "Eren he had to go fight for humanity...he believed in you.." "H-he believes in me?!" "Yeah... You and him have the same desire... To slaughter all Titans..." "Dam... I'm a lucky wolf!... Wait how did he take care of me?!.. Man that sucks why hasn't he visited me?!" "He has training obviously!" "Oh so can we visit him one day?..wait does that mean he's older than me?!" "No" "younger?!" "No" same age as me?!" "Yeah" "how is that possible?!" "Oh I have a picture of the three of us together" "can I see it?!" Hmm should I show him? Let me show him a younger one because right now I have to admit my brother has the looks that drives people crazy..hehe...plus I can't help but notice that Eren and me were once ten same age but because of mom and dad me and Levi grew fast.. Or For me was a weird growing length since I'm not a neko like my brother...he could hide his ears and tail just like if they blend in when his clothes.. For pictures he would always hide them but I have some where he shows his cat ears and tail.. I'll show him one with Levi blending his ears and tail...he doesn't do it anymore tho..I wonder why.. Oops Eren is waiting!!! "Mikasa please!! Show me the picture!!!" "Fine" I showed him a he seemed surprised.. He saw captain and started blushing.. I smirked, he thinks my bro is hot... "We were by the the same age?!" "Yeah I had this weird growing thing going on I was little then I grew fast and now I have a normal growing thing! Yay! He stares at the picture were captain was at,"can't stop staring at my bro?" "W-what n-no!" Stuttering!aha! "He gave us capes that looked like his?" "Yeah.i think their cute tho" "hm.." Then I took the picture away and he said,"how is he the same age as me he's older than me in that picture!!" "You'll see" "when can we visit him?!" "Tomorrow" "really?!" "Yeah...if you eat your vegetables" "of course!!" He's actually gonna eat them?! Wow..

Eren's pov:
When she finally let me see the picture I saw..him.. The one who raised me.. He looked..hot.. I have to admit.. It made me a little happy that he's my age but how?! Still he's hot...any guy would fall for him.how can he have cold glares when we were taken care of by him he was kind and he called me bray but I still liked him! Wait... Brat? How do I remember that?! Hmm maybe he really did raise me.. When I see him tomorrow I'm gonna hug him so hard! I remember the past now... I missed you.. I just can't seem to remember the way he looked... I remember his voice tho but he grew so.. I don't really know him that much now... Just then Mikasa said,"time to eat!" "Ok" I ate all my vegetables and she seemed surprised.., tomorrow I will see you again.. Levi... I just hope you remember me... Please.. And I will ask him how he's my age! I will see you tomorrow... I will confront you tomorrow and prove to you that I can fight along side with you... Then Mikasa came to me and said,"still thinking about my bro?" "U-um yeah.." She smiled and said,"I'm also exited to see him!" She got all fan girl too...weird but I mean she is a girl so..yeah.. Then we went to bed and I fell asleep thinking about tomorrow...

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