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Eren's pov:
I was homeless but my friend Armin always gave me food... Except he couldn't take me in as family in his home. Where are my parents you may ask? They died when I was 4... I didn't really like to remember how they died.. But I still go visit their grave every so often. I am a rare type of person or kid... I am smarter than you think i may be thanks to my wolf instincts.. Yes I am a kid with wolf ears and wolf tail... I grow up fast sort of like dogs what I think they have 3 or 2 birthdays in a year I'm not sure but I do know they grow fast and have a short life then humans. But that doesn't mean I die quickly like dogs.. Since I'm half human with a wolf I grow fast but I have a certain age I don't pass, so yes I'm sort of immortal except I can die by assassin or murder. So more like I don't age. Anyways my parents were killed by Titans... I made a promise to them... I will kill all the Titans!!! But I need to grow up first. Which takes so long for me!! Ugh! Wall Maria was broken down... Stupid Titans! But even so I was walking along the park when I saw the river. I went close and saw the fishes. I wanted to catch one... They looked yummy! But I couldn't I wold fall in and I still don't know how to swim. I reached but I couldn't... Then I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't care. Then I saw a man that walked passes be and crouched down and reached his hand into the water... When he pulled it out there was a fish in his hands! I looked at him amazed!!! Then he chuckled and said," are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna come get it?" "W-what?! Sir are you talking to me?!" "Yes" he said without even looking at me. I went up to him and he handed me the fish. Then I said, "thank you! So much!" "No problem" then he got up and some how I didn't want him to leave, I tugged his shirt before he can get far from me. Then he turned to me and said," I'm sorry... Would you like to come live with me?" Wow! Omg yes! I would actually have a home for once again! "Yes!!!!!" Then he picked me up and I said," what's this?" I pulled something that seemed to be a black belt around his waist and when I pulled it.., it ... It was a cat tail!! "That's my tail" "y-your a neko?!" "Yeah" "so your like me?!" "Yes" I felt happy... He can actually understand me and my life! He's like me!!! This is the best day ever! We made it to what seemed like a little house bus wended quite big inside. Then I saw a blonde dude inside the house and when we went Inside And he said,"well Erwin i brought a kid... He seemed to be lonely." Then Erwin said,"oh wow Levi, so you do learn kind things from me?" "Shut up" then and I said,"hi my name is Eren and I suspect you raise Levi?" The blonde guy then said,"yes you are correct" then I hugged Levi tighter and said,"thank you" he then crouched down to me and said," I hope you like this house" "yes I will as long as your here to protect and take care of me I will Levi" "I will" he gave me a warm smile and I smiled back. Then he said, "oi, how old are you Eren?" "I'm 5" "oh so your not that old eh?" "Y-yeah I guess so" then Levi gave me food. I couldn't help but stare at his ears... They really did look like cat ears and mine were more dog looking when they were really wolf ears. Then he said," wanting to pet my ears now do we?" "Yes... Can I?" "Sure" then I reached out and he crouched to make it easier for me. "They're really soft" then a woman burst through the doors and I flinched and grabbed Levi. Then he said,"Hanji! Don't burst through the door like that your gonna scare the shit out of Eren!" "Who's Ere-" when she saw me she ran towards me and said, "you must be Eren right?!" "Yes ma'am" "well I'm Hanji!" "Hanji? What a weird name" "what?! Your just like Levi!" "Oi! Stop shouting Hanji" was all Levi said. Then Hanji said," so captains what are we gonna do tomorrow?" Want did I just hear her call Levi and Erwin captains?! Captains of what?!
Then I decided to ask,"you guys are captains?!" Levi looked at me an said,"yeah I should of told you earlier sorry" "wow!!! A captain is raising me?!" "Yeah and Hanji is 4th commander or you can just say she's 4th squads leader" then I looked at Levi with a 'what are you?' Face and he said,"I'm the corporal also known as captain" then I looked at Erwin with dis interest in what he is... He looked shocked. Hehe... Then Hanji said,"haha he isn't interested in you!" Then Levi put me down and and I started playing around the house touring myself through the house.. Then I went back to Levi and he seemed to already know my question since he said," don't worry you'll have your bed and you'll be sleeping in the same room as me" "yay!" Was all I could say. Then they all got up and moved to the living room drinking their tea. After Hanji left Erwin said," I'm gonna go to the meeting" "ok" was all Levi said, then Erwin said,"Arn't you going too?" "I'll catch up" "ok" then he left. Levi then went to the room and I followed behind him. He got his uniform and went to the bathroom and I waited on his bed... Then he walked out and I was amazed, "your uniform looks so cool!" "Yeah?" "Yeah... I want to slay Titans too but my mom and dad said no.." "Well... I'm not gonna stop you" I looked at him my eyes widening.."you'll let me go to the try outs?!" "Yeah... Because only some of us bare to fight for humanity" "thanks!" Then he got me and we headed out.. After we walked a lot I said ,"Levi! I'm tired! Please carry me!" "Come here then" I walked towards Gina bs he started carrying me and we finally made it to the place... Yes that's what I call it... Then we walked in and he put me down and I quickly followed behind him... We walked in and we sat down while more people came in.. I saw Erwin and Hanji again.. I waved to them and they smiled at me. Then they talked for such a long time j ended up falling asleep. After a long time... I was waken up by Levi and he said,"we're going back home now" I got up but I still felt sleepy so Levi carried me. We finally made it home and it was dark.. Levi and me walked to our rooms and fell asleep.... In the morning I woke up and Levi wasn't by my side.. I ran out of the room and saw Levi.. He said," don't need to freak out" "I-I wasn't!!" "Sure..." Then I ran to Gina bs sat on his lap. He was drinking tea and eating pancakes then he said,"you want some?" "Yeah!!" Then I stared gobbling it all up... I can't believe... That I'm being raised by the captain and a blonde dude .. Yes I know Erwin is like the big boss but so many people call Levi..'humanity's strongest being' wow! That's so cool! Levi taught me how to use a weapon but by then I was 7 years old. He kept on going on missions and he left me with someone who was related to him I guess his sister? I don't really know but she's really nice her name is Mikasa... She treated me kindly... Every so often did Levi come home with his cape all bloody.. I wold ask him how it went but he always seemed down...

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