The Open of the Mystery

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As when I was staring, I can feel that the tree was moving. Mica wondered why would I stare on a tree and ask "Um... Jessie, is something wrong about that tree?" No, that's the only thing I answered..
I was just really staring on a tree. Later on when I realize that the time was already 8:16 am. Gosh! That was long.

Oh well I think my friends don't really realize that it was long. Afterwards I started asking those question, Again! I really hate saying "again" it was like Gana Ain or Gana Aim. I hate that it was like Ganna Aim My Evilness. Oh I think I' am out of the topic but that make sense.....

Later on I started knocking and it sounds like a door which it opened like a magical door. My friends got very scared they were filled with TERRORS. "Hey Jessie let's go maybe the class was startin" Alysaniza said with her terrors. "No we are not going util I don't figure this problem" I replied. Actually To FIGURE OUT THIS MYSTERY. Just the begging

The Mystery of the Untold TreeWhere stories live. Discover now