23: Ambrosine

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Sorry my chapter has been so late....

I've been REALLY BUSY....and sick :(

But, I upload a chapter.....a short one :(

But, a chapter none the less!

Read on!



Ps,....can anyone suggest a celebrity to play the new character?! She has red hair and green eyes....


Chapter 23

Matthew (Alexa's Dad)

After many hours of struggling, we finally got Alexandria under control.

And by, 'under control', I mean 'locked in a jail cell with chains on her arms and wrists'.

It broke my heart to see her this way. The crying, the screaming Adrian's name. It was killing me inside.

To try and bring Adrian back to life, I'd called a witch to help.

Yes, you heard me. A witch.

Witches are very hard to find and they will only help you if it's for a good cause.

And, the witch I'm calling owes me a favor, for helping her when her home was attacked by rogue wolves; and she is my niece. She is the daughter of a werewolf and a witch. My younger brother and his mate, who died when she was 7; right in front of her. Her name is Ambrosine and she is 18 too. Alexandria and she were born only a few days apart, but my brother and his mate had to go into hiding because of the power she would acquire once she turned 10.

A werewolf and witch combination are very powerful indeed.

Since she owes me a favor, she can repay it by bringing Adrian back from the dead.

So, I mindlinked her.


No answer.

"Ambrosine! Answer me, NOW!"

"Jeeze, Uncle! I was just catching up on some beauty sleep! What is so important that you have to wake me up from one of the rare times I'm actually able to fall asleep?!" She mumbled, annoyed and tired-sounding.

I rolled my eyes. "Ambrosine, I need you to do a favor for me. A big favor." I said, stressing the issue even further than before.

She perked up, "does this mean I can stop owning you a favor?!" She asked.

"Yes." I grumbles, unhappily. Her soft, melodious laughter bounced around my head.

"Alright. I'll be over in a ten minutes." She stated; then, she left my mind and closed her mind-block.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked out the window from the room I was in.

Adrian's office.

I relaxed even more when I felt arms come around my waist, bringing their usual heat and warm tingles.

My mate, Charlotte.

"What are you doing, my love?" She murmured, as she pressed her face into my back, making my wolf purr in satisfaction. I pulled her around my back and into my arms, resting her head against my chest. A held her there for a few minutes before answering her question.

"Nothing, just thinking and planning, my love," I lied, "shouldn't you be in bed, resting?!" I teased her as I swooped her up into my arms, carrying her bridal-style. She giggled and nuzzled her head into my chest,

"I am, but it doesn't mean I have to." She teased back, making me down smile at her. I carried her out of the office and down the hall to our bedroom.

I set her on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chest and kissed her forehead. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

"Rest." I whispered. She sighed and nodded. I then noticed her eyes slowly shutting.

"Ok." She murmured, then closed her eyes.

I looked at her one last time and walked to the door closing it behind me.

Time to go greet Ambrosine.


Ambrosine's POV

I could literally feel the anxiousness and worry seeping through the phone. My uncle, who I am still shocked is alive, was never one to let his emotions show this strongly.

Only when it had to do with family.

Something I was lacking. I winced and my thoughts and ripped the brush through my curly red hair, pulling clumps of it out in the process.

I didn't even feel the pain. Not anymore. Not after what had happened to my family right in front of me.

I gritted my teeth from the memories and tried to block them out as I got onto my black motorcycle. My Vyrus 987 C3 4V.

This $104,000 motorcycle was my baby; and I had named her ange vengeur, or 'Angie' for short. I had bought her with my parents money and wasn't disappointed that I had. She road like a dream. And if anyone touched her, I'd fry them alive.

No, I'm not kidding.

I flipped my visor down and rode off in the direction of my uncles house.

I only lived about 10 minutes away and practically ran all stop lights to get there as soon as possible.

Hopefully, I wouldn't be too late.

Hopefully, I could still help them.



'ange vengeur' - French - means 'Avenging Angel.'


Hey everyone! Sorry it's so short!

I've been sick, I have two papers I have to write (a 50pt on and a 100pt one), and I have FINAL EXAMS COMING UP!!!!


Kill me!

JK, lol...

If you did that, I couldn't finish the story...😇😇😇

Hahaha....so, until next time! (Hopefully soon!)

Read on!


Ps.....sorry I keep dragging it out! I can't help it! I'm evil >:)....JK, not really. ;D

Ps....if u see this, write, 'Team Adrian' in the comments....along with your name and Wattpad ID.......see what happens!

Mooncast (1st book of the Moon Novels)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara