Chapter Six: A Song's Escapades

Start from the beginning

Brook held it out in front of her, turning it around to see how much detail she could find just in the front cover.

"Interesting cover choice. I like the title, though-The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery. Alliteration is always amusing, agree?"

River Song let out a laugh, having gotten used to her daughter's way of speech by now. "Well, that's not how I expected you to react, it'll work. Make sure to read that book as soon as you can."

"I'll read it now if it's that imperative," Brook said, her smile falling into a straight face as she let go of the joke. "Kidding. It's my birthday and my mother is here. We can do something together. And I have got the most perfect idea."

"And what is that, may I ask?"

"Well..." Brook said, holding out the "l" sound at the end. Then she spit it all out in a single breath, saying, "I want to time travel. I want a way that I can time travel by myself, without using Daddy's TARDIS or your vortex manipulator."

"Oh, Brook," River sighed. "I wish it was that easy to get a time machine of some sort. But only time agents have vortex manipulators."

"Then how did you get yours?" Brook challenged. If she had to be stubborn about this, she was going to put everything she had into it. That was the only way to convince River Song to do anything: she had realized this fact early in her life and put it into motion.

River hesitated, reacting just as Brook had wanted her to. She then said,  "I have my ways."

"And I have my own," Brook said, folding her hands together. "Listen. I've got an idea, but I'll need your help to pull it off."

Soon River found herself waiting outside of Brook's door as her daughter searched in her treasure trobe of a closet. She needed to find the perfect outfit for their escapades.

"51st century, right?" Brook yelled from inside the room.

"Yes, and make sure to dress fancy."

"Well, of course. It's a party," Brook laughed. You could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I'm still your mother, don't speak to me like that. Even if it is your birthday and we're going out to steal a vortex manipulator." 

Even though Brook felt a bit of heaviness after being reprimanded, her lips turned upwards. How many families anywhere and any time ever could say those same words? Nope, only her time traveling family could, which made her as happy as could be.

Brook strutted out wearing a black floor length gown, making sure to place each step carefully. She spun around, modeling the evening dress. Though it was a fairly simple dress, it was very flattering to her. There was a reason she had stolen this gown to begin with.

"That's my girl," said River approvingly. Brook walked over to her mother who started typing away at her vortex manipulator. They shared a smile, and then Brook put her hand on the device. The two seemed to flash out of the air like a magic trick-one second they were there and the next they were gone.

River and Brook had set out to 5021. The 51st century was known for the rise of time agents. It was almost certain that there would be one of these agents out partying. The goal of the mother-daughter duo was to find such a person and then take their vortex manipulator away.

"It's awfully risky," River said. "Are you sure you really want to do this now?"

"Yes, yes, I'll be fine." Brook was too busy pacing around to listen to her mother's warnings. She was too busy reviewing her plan and figuring out what to do if something were to go wrong and fall apart.

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